Happy PI day

I know Mar is short for Mardi, which is French for Tuesday, but the rest doesn’t make sense.

That’s not even half a fortnight

It works in ISO date format too - the year just gets put in a sensible spot consistent with the order of month and year: today’s date is 2014-03-14

PI day is Nov 10 in the Julian calender. Except leap years when it’s Nov 09.


I know - Mercredi drags, Jeudi is a bore, Vendredi takes forever, and then - c’est le weekend!

Thanks for that.

Unix epoch Π Day is 20 Jul 16:37:33 2069. Woo, a Saturday!

You need to specify your time zone:

$  date -d '20 Jul 2069 16:37:33' +%s
$ date -d '20 Jul 2069 16:37:33' -u +%s
$ date -d @3141592653 -u
Sun Jul 21 00:37:33 UTC 2069
$ date -d @3141592653
Sat Jul 20 17:37:33 PDT 2069

I think for her, it’s all about winning the pie. That, plus the fun in making up and memorizing nonsense sentences that she deconstructs to generate the numbers.

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Tom Selleck = Pi?

I’m all confused.


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I wonder if people celebrated Pi day back then.

What about nano and mili seconds? :stuck_out_tongue:

But of course! Circular condoms.

It took me a minute to work out why there was a picture of Tom Selleck. Then I groaned.

That’s a horrible pun Jason

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