Originally published at: Harbinger of doom emerged from the sea off the California coast days before earthquakes - Boing Boing
via Allan Rose Hill…
A 4.4 magnitude quake isn’t really a “natural disaster,” at least not in California. More like a “did you feel it?” kind of event.
“Can you feel it? (Tell me can you feel it) Can you feel it? Can you feel it
(Can you see what’s going down? Can you feel it in your bones?)
Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feel it
Yeah, yeah”
The 4.4 quake was also epicentered on land, over 100 miles from where this fish was found. Even if there somehow was a reliable link to the appearance of the fish, it would be comically useless to try and use that as a warning. “Hey everybody, we found an oarfish! Everyone in a 150 mile radius needs to prepare for a mild earthquake sometime in the next week!” At that point you might as well say “Californians beware! We’re expecting the state to experience about a dozen magnitude 4 quakes this year!” (Because that’s actually about the average number of magnitude 4 quakes to hit annually)

We’re expecting the state to experience about a dozen magnitude 4 quakes this year!” (Because that’s actually about the average number of magnitude 4 quakes to hit annually)
I would have expected statewide for it to be more, TBH. Good to know.
That was also wrong in the story, BTW. The quake Thursday was centered in Lake Elsinore, which is in Riverside County.
Seems reasonable.
I saw a dead sparrow a few weeks ago, and then sprained my ankle. That’s all the proof I need.
I’ll keep saying it because it still isn’t well known, but a sense of impending doom can indicate a heart attack, among other things.
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