Harriet Tubman on the $20?

She should smile more.


The reverse of the current (2013) $2 has 47 people in it.


They were going to put her on the $10, but then realized that doing so would completely screw up Lazy Sunday.

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So, when is Prince getting on? We thought with all of the recent hoopla that heĀ“d be being considered already.

except the Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, Seminole, Cherokee. Chippewa, Ottawa, Muskogee and/or Potawatomi.


I kept waiting for BB to make this a blog post. Why didnā€™t they make this an official post? I submitted it then I go tired of not posting it and was going to make a post, but then I searched first and found this.

Personally, I think it is a great choice. Frustratingly, there are people who think Obama is behind the change and they hate anything Obama does. If Obama gave a press conference and encouraged Americans to all take large, deep breaths to promote getting oxygen to the blood and brain, you would have people holding their breaths.

Anyway, negativity aside, I think it is a great choice. Heck I think it considers both sides of the political spectrum in itā€™s appeal (freedom loving, gun toting, Christian Republican? Who would have thought?)

Actually, one of her guns and a sword still survives and is on display.

Personally, I think we should start to rotate our money designs more often, honor more non-politicians, and/or honor IDEALS vs actual people.

Some examples of the past:


I agree, for a relatively young country itā€™s amazing how resistant Americans are to updating our currency to include subject matter thatā€™s less than 150 years old.


I think Iā€™m going to have to find a few dozen of your gun posts to spread the love, because weā€™re only allowed to like this specific post once!


I think itā€™s because weā€™re such a young country. We donā€™t have a thousand years of tradition behind us, so we cling desperately to any ā€œtraditionsā€ we manage to create. Anything weā€™ve done for 50 years is an immutable fact of our culture and should never be changed!

Iā€™ve sometimes thought that this will be the biggest bar to Puerto Rican statehood. We canā€™t add a state now! Weā€™ve got such a nice round number! 50 states, thatā€™s how we do America!


Wouldnā€™t we just need to get rid of one at the same time? Iā€™m sure we can think of some candidatesā€¦


Surely we donā€™t really need TWO Carolinas.


What if one gets broken? Helps to have a back up. Also, itā€™s like having two Dennyā€™s in town.


Are you kidding? One is ALREADY broken! Have you seen the state of South Carolina lately - itā€™s already broken ā€¦ and with that recent dumbass bathroom law, the GOOD Carolina is looking sort of sketchy, yeah?

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Iā€™m totally down with more designs, but only if they are in the Art Nouveau or Romanticism style. None of this modern stuff that the EU seems to love. Also, I demand a return to nudity on money - thoughā€¦ maybe not any of the Presidents. Except maybe Franklin Pierce, JFK or Obama.


Hereā€™s a Hawaiian $20. Puppies!

Oh, hereā€™s a fiver, because cows:


fingers crossed they donā€™t make the bills pink as well.
gendering it, i mean.

I imagine theyā€™ll keep some version of the current color scheme, in which Lincolnā€™s the pink-'un.

ETA: I wonder when theyā€™ll finally let George out of that frame and give him a little color like everybody else.


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