Harris ad blasts Trump's Project 2025

Originally published at: Harris ad blasts Trump's Project 2025 - Boing Boing


Good ad, but I wish it didn’t say “to make Donald Trump the most powerful president ever.” That sounds like a good thing to a lot of people. Better to say something like “to give Donald Trump more power than any one person has a right to” or “to make Donald Trump into a virtual dictator.”

My daughter, who is a registered Democrat, and who hasn’t lived at our house in 10 years, is getting Trump flyers in our mail. They disavow the Project 2025 stuff explicitly, and talk about how Trump is going to protect Social Security, etc. I’m glad they’re wasting money uselessly petitioning people like my daughter, but I do worry that some know-nothings will get these mailers and believe them.


Not the majority of the public, not even all of the GOP…

Highlighting authoritarian tendencies WILL have an impact on the right people.

Again, not the majority of the voting public. :woman_shrugging:


That ad is nothing compared to this:


I’m not registered with any political party (because there is not a democratic socialist party in the US) and I just got a second mailer from TFG in less than a week. Something tells me these mailers won’t stop until the printer’s unpaid invoices hit 60 days past due. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


One could argue that mailers (got another one from Trump in today’s mail addressed to both my daughter AND me … “or Current Occupant” :smiley: ) have very, very little impact on voters. But in a war of inches, everything should be checked and double-checked. Overall though, I think the Harris ad, even without my notes above, is an effective one, and will hopefully encourage people who enjoy democracy to vote against the would-be tyrant.


But it’s also true that getting sidelined by things like mailers and media attention distracts from the hardwork of getting out the vote… The reality is that there IS not perfect message to put out in an ad or a mailer, and it’s going to take a lot more to get the media to change it’s tactics. What would help is, not only Harris-Walz winning, but winning in an inarguable landslide (which, yes, I know, Trump WILL contest, but it’ll be much harder to make the case if Harris wins by overwhelming numbers) and doing that by them having the best and most grassroots ground game.

Kamala Harris GIF by PBS News


Oh, absolutely! And I’m super stoked that Harris and Walz are right now on a tour of the deep red parts of Georgia, my home state – the part of GA I come from! Valdosta is where my family drove thirty miles to do their “real” shopping, and it’s fantastic that they’re stopping in Savannah – usually a neglected, but blue area – as well. I just sat with 80 folks in a Mexican restaurant in my Atlanta suburb last night, writing 800 postcards to Democratic voters who – for whatever reason – didn’t vote in 2020 (I hope they’re all still alive. :slight_smile: ). What with the blatant an illegal voter suppression efforts by our state election board, we will have to do everything we can to turn out every single vote in this state (and all the others) to have that tidal wave you and I both pray happens. Let’s get it done!


Indeed! I’m sure the fact that Sen. Warnock is from there helped them make that choice… And of course, the state-wide strategy has been campaigning in the whole state, thanks to Stacey Abrams!

They did have the mayor on today on WABE and he said that no president or VP has ever visited Savannah… which seems crazy to me!

Democratic National Convention Democrat GIF by Creative Courage


A Catholic nun points out how un-Christian Project 2025 is:


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