Harry Reid tells BLM's Burning Man squad to suck it up


Iā€™d be happy to bring along an extra bucket for the feds!


Well thatā€™s just ad hominem.

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It would be an appeal to authority if it were made fairly early in, and as the only point made. You want to mistake a middle finger finally extended back to him after several rounds in the mud puddleā€¦ as the only point I made, cherry picked for your responseā€¦ sure, thatā€™s my bad faith. Sure it is.

Thatā€™s your prerogative to believe. Itā€™s also as honest and fair a decision to make about me as anyone I was actually in conversation with (which was not you!!!) You judge others however you are compelled to. Go for it. Free country.

If you think I am out of line, and not JUST incorrect in my opinions, changing the subject, being insulting (in ways other than being not wrong when required), or interfering with debate generallyā€¦ Flag Me. Let the mods sort it out.

Other than that, sounds like what you want is dumber opposition.
When itā€™s you that leaves comments about something that matters to you and then get insulted and engage in a spirited debate, thatā€™s not your ā€˜hobbyā€™ā€¦ when itā€™s meā€¦ itā€™s a hobby. Gotcha. Very big of you to cede the high ground in that way. Remember the topicā€¦ itā€™s not you or me. Itā€™s the high ground. The one in the Black Rock Desert. Perhaps that subject would be one worthy of your precious time?


The senator from Nevada scoffed at the Bureau of Land Managementā€™s demand that Burning Man build it a $1m VIP compound with showers and flush toilets, saying that the festivalā€™s ethic of radical self-reliance should extend to its Fed minders.

So Burning Man is a Libertarian thing?

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Really, they just want a posh place to stay and hang out while they come to gawk at sandy titties.


Interesting request. Iā€™m guessing this is more about an internal budget struggle than it is about codes and ethics.

I donā€™t claim to know much about Burning Man, but my remark was a comment upon the authoritarian trend of government ā€œallowingā€ people to conduct activities upon ā€œpublicā€ land.

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Not sure who the ā€œinterlopersā€ areā€¦People tasked with managing the area year round with an eye towards balancing current use versus preserving it for posterity, or people who show up for a week and create a completely different, manmade infrastructure and environment for a week.


Heh never stopped you either ā€¦

If thatā€™s an ad-hominen ā€œsour grapes are SOURā€ is one too :wink:

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I think youā€™ll find that I am simply making an observation, not engaging in fallacious reasoning or argumentation. If anything, my tone was more one of admiration, along the lines of ā€œThatā€™s got to be the best pirate Iā€™ve ever seen.ā€

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It is called ā€œregulationā€ and it happens so the land isnā€™t destroyed in a tragedy of the commons.


They can live in a shelter made of sintered anhydrite bricks.

When it rains, the shelter will rejoin the flatā€¦


I read this as being that BLM read about all those posh plug-and-play camps, and they want one of their own!


If it would benefit BLM personnel to have home-like accommodations, the smart way to provide them would be to rent or buy 2-3 of the many now-vacant homes in Empire, NV. Men could shuttle out to the playa for ~12 hour shifts, and sleep and eat in relatively sane comfort far away from the noise & crazy half an hourā€™s drive to the south.

A semi-permanent man camp does not need to be built at a campground on the salt flats. The demand for flush toilets is particularly suspicious; it suggests someone was intentionally dicking with BRC organizers. Men & women do not become field agents for the BLM because they expect or need constant access to urban accommodations.

They are on the job during the event, not partying, and they need to be well rested. However, the accommodation demands here sound like nonsense.


Donā€™t forget the people firing bowling balls out of cannons!

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Iā€™ve never been to Burning Man, but I have noticed that in any discussion of Burning Man, thereā€™s about 5 times more people complaining how Burners never shut up than there are Burners actually talking.


The BMORG would be doing itself and everyone else a huge favor by choosing another site in another state to have this event. Even if it were for just one year, and even If everyone complained, it would be worth establishing the principle that ā€˜M stands for Mobile!ā€™.

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Folks, this is getting out of hand. I call for a summit meeting between Harry Reid, the Secretary of the Interior (and dinner companion @marksgelter), the Director of the BLM (and beer buddy @AcerPlatanoides), Cliven Bundy, noted Burners P. Diddy and Grover Norquist, and 1980s Milwaukee Brewers pitching ace Pete Vuckovich, mostly because Iā€™ve had dinner with him, and this is sounding like a fun group so I want in.


Dude, letā€™s ditch the dignitaries; just hang with Vuckovich, bring a Ouija board, and see if we can conjure up Doc Ellis. THAT would be a party.