Has a tech entrepreneur come up with a product to replace our meals?

What a noob! If he was serious about not wanting to waste time and effort on such trivialities as “eating” he could just plug in an IV and be done with it.


I kicked in for a week’s worth when they crowd funded back in 2012. Since then, I have seen them promote the crap out of it, advertise for orders, and still not ship. SOMEDAY maybe I’ll get my soylent, but now that it is over a year late?


I wouldn’t go for this now, as I have a family and see a lot of benefits to preparing and eating proper meals with them. On the other hand, I’d definitely consider it if I were single or away from them for a while. Cooking for one is so much less rewarding, especially when you have other things to do with your time. I’d probably eat this most of the time and use the saved money to have the occasional really good meal with friends.


Now we know that Rhinehart came up with the idea in desperation after spending $170000 of someone else’s money on a different idea that didn’t work, are you entirely surprised?


Enjoy those kidneys while you’ve got them, bluster buster.

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Buy a blender.
Drop in food.

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Why the hell is the answer to the question " Has a tech entrepreneur come up with a product to replace our meals?" not simply “NO” in 42 point Rosewood font? Tube feediing food, Boost, Ensure, pick one. Actual dieticians came up with them, not some Silicon Valley slob Dunning-Kruegering his way through a development process.

Boing Boing champions some soft-brained causes (Bitcoin anyone?) but this takes the fucking cake. Jesus Christ.


On a related note: you can tell an idea has really started to take off when someone else introduces a higher-cost “organic” version of it. Seriously, there’s a much more expensive but “all-natural” instant food substance being Kickstarted now. Something tells me that total-nutrition food substitutes are here to stay.

It took the cake and replaced it with green stuff!

I make my own meal replacement beverages based on established evolutionary science, not the comparatively untested field of “nutrition science.” I grind up every human-edible plant and animal on the planet, in amounts proportionate to their relative abundance in the global ecosystem.

It pairs nicely with a glass of “1 mL of every alcohol in the bar.”

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Someone check police records for unexplained disappearances in semiotix’s neighbourhood.


So, in light of this GDF11 article, I was thinking of having a toddler grafted onto my back… Besides giving me immortality, perhaps my “symbiot” can also do all the eating for me as well?

Edited to incorporate one more BB post element…


So long as it stays the fuck away from mah dippy-egg and soldiers.

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If only there was some way to test your kidney and liver functions… oh wait, there is.

That is either a side-effect of the diet or one of its benefits, depending on your source.


Tube feeding food can’t even be bought by normal mortals and I am not going out on a limb when I suggest it probably isn’t balanced for an active human that can, you know, move. Boost and Ensure have extra crap in them, cost a pile more, and really are not meant to replace multiple meals. They are meant to replace a meal or a snack or two. If you want 2000 calories from Ensure, you are going to be going through 8 bottles a day. 240 bottles a month sounds kind of like something not meant to be drunk for every meal.

The community around Soylent and DIY stuff has nutritionist and doctors. People have poked and prodded the boundaries and found places where you can have a deficit or overdose when trying to make a meal replacement with over the counter ingredients. The simple fact of the matter is that if you want to make a full meal replacement, it is either Soylent or DIY based off the work that Soylent did.

Further the attacks on Soylent because of its origins obviously dully ad hominem, not to mention anti-hacker and tinkerer. The fact that someone started out just fucking around with their body doesn’t mean that everything from that seed is tainted beyond redemption. They have doctors and nutritionist on staff now. The fact that a non-professional was the first one to fuck around with the idea doesn’t diminish it. The amount of stuff in this world that was created by fucking around by non-professionals is legion.

I personally have done my own DIY soylent based upon community building of a recipe. It has helped me dump off pounds steadily and safely. When I get to a nice comfy weight, I’ll happily go back to food and use Soylent to replace all of my shit meals.

If you want a real test of whether or not you are being an anti-hacking anti-nerd reactionary, ask yourself if you flip your shit when you see someone eating pizza. If the answer is no, yet you are flipping your shit over Soylent, you are being a bit dense. Perfect nutrition in the form of organic home cooked meals is great, but anything to help people replace those shit meals with something that isn’t bad for you is a good first step.

Also, Soylent is going to kick total ass on long distance hikes. Balanced calories that weigh almost nothing and that just need water? Fucking yes please.


I know you’re joking, but in actuality poop is made up largely of dead intestinal bacteria and such, not just digested food. Indeed, one of Soylent’s ingredients is fiber, whose entire purpose is to make your poop bigger. So yeah, you’re still gonna be pooping.

Also good in long car trips. Whole meal you can eat with one hand, no trash or mess to clean up afterward, no need to waste time on the road stopping at a restaurant for food that’s not good for you anyway. (Even better if you have kids and they can be convinced to drink it.)


Then Rhinehart is changing his story:

I almost forgot to mention, when everything going in to your body is diffused in to the bloodstream, you don’t poop. I only have to remove a few grams of fiber from my system per week.

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Somebody should tell this guy about cricket flour!