Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/08/04/hbos-disciple-reveals-the-untold-story-of-stevie-van-zandts-musical-odyssey.html
When I was 14, I was co-hosting a children’s TV show and sent to Copenhagen to interview a Danish pop star.
When we arrived at the studio this artist was working at, it became known that Van Zandt was working next door.
All the adults then disappeared for quite a while and the interview was postponed. I didn’t understand why, nor did I know who Little Steven was, and thus I never got to meet him.
But hey, such is life. I downloaded the documentary and am looking forward to watching it.
It’s a weird coincidence, but I watched this yesterday. (DVR’ed before the Olympics and saved it because I knew that I’d need an Olympic break).
I remembered that Steven Van Zandt organized Artists United Against Apartheid and was relentless in his quest to eliminate the South African policy of Apartheid, but I’d forgotten about his personal lobbying efforts to help the US Senate override Reagan’s veto of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act.
I’m so happy that the documentary focused upon all aspects of his life, and not just his music and acting. Steven Van Zandt is truly a wonderful person.
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