Healthcare PSAs and BSAs

Sounds like this is going exactly thw way Youngkin and other fascist wannabes would want it to. Let the poor die, or force them to move elsewhere. Heartless ghouls, the lot of 'em.

Twilight Zone Getting Weird GIF by MOODMAN


So, truly, not a headline I actually expected to see, but this where we are…

And to be clear, this is not rodents with UTI’s. Because I know somebody will go there. (OK, it was me, when I first saw it.)


Weirdly, I think there are more rats per capita in Chicago than NYC, but it’s easier to see them and interact with them in NYC because of the subways, and more importantly because of the lack of alleys so the garbage is right on the sidewalk where everyone walks.


Hopefully something that’ll pan out.


That would answer so many problems! And cause the antivaxxers to lose their collective what’s-left-of-their-minds. RNA vaccines! Change your DNA! Make you not human! 5G! Magnetic people! And so on. Idiots gonna idiot. I would take it, though.


Someone is going to die, and it won’t be terribly long to wait…
Damn stupid timeline…


On Sunday, facing mounting criticism, the USDA announced the release of 239 genetic sequences to GISAID. It noted it is also adding raw data to a US federal database “in the interest of public transparency and ensuring the scientific community has access to this information as quickly as possible.” The agency said it will continue to make such data available on a rolling basis.
Dr. Rosemary Sifford, the USDA’s chief veterinarian, told the Times, “Please recall that we’ve been engaged in this for less than a month. We are working very hard to generate more information,” she said.

I would say to hold off on the pitchforks for now. The memory of the Chinese stonewalling COVID research is fresh in everyone’s mind, but I would rather have accurate data than fast data. Nonetheless, I can’t make tis into good news. Just a question of, how bad is it, really?


While experts are largely unconcerned with the safety of commercial milk, the potential for wide, unrecognized spread of bird flu in dairy herds is alarming. To date, the US Department of Agriculture has only confirmed infections in 33 herds in eight states. The FDA acknowledged that of its positive samples, “a greater proportion of positive results [are] coming from milk in areas with infected herds.” But with tens of thousands of dairy herds in the US, the finding suggests that infections are being missed. It does not necessarily suggest that 20 percent of all cows are affected, since milk is pooled for commercial distribution. But 33 herds alone are unlikely to explain the high prevalence.

No reason to panic over the viral remnants ID’d, but this looks way more widespread than previously known. Fun times ahead, maybe?


It was only a matter of time, but the HD notified us today that we are now officially dealing with a pretty severe pertussis outbreak in our area (mid-Shenandoah Valley) We have a fairly large antivaxx community, and our Russin immigrant community, which is very large, does not vaccinate as a whole. We will see how ugly this gets. Have I mentioned how much I hate this timeline?


How anyone in those communities could see a child with pertussis even once and not immediately make sure their own children are vaccinated boggles my mind. It’s not called “whooping cough” for funsies. It’s a disease that makes children suffer

This is more for other ppl. I’m sure @docosc has seen and heard what pertussis does to a child


And babies might not cough but stop breathing.


I have had 2 children in my practice die of pertussis over the decades. It is agonizing and very much not theoretical to me. You would be amazed at how hard it is to convince parents of that, though. “I’ve never known anyone who was that sick with it. I just think you are exaggerating the danger.” No, I am not, but I cannot give those memories to them. I would not if I could. It would be torture. They still wake me up at night occasionally. Damn it all.


Because why should lead have all the fun? There are other heavy metals out there you know!


ATCEMS said it usually receives two or three overdose calls per day, but the number of calls on Monday equated to a 1,000% increase in call volume, according to Dr. Heidi Abraham, deputy medical director for ATCEMS.

Not sure what is going on in Austin, but there is some bad shit on the loose.


Crap, kitties with avian flu, puppies with multidrug resistant P. aeruginosa, my heart cannot take this shit.

ETA: update on that avian flu