Healthcare PSAs and BSAs

Speaking of vaccine and bullshit…

Dog ADHD? Now this I can get behind. But autism? Seriously?


I can believe dog autism. I don’t think humans are all that special biologically, so I personally wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand.

But this vaccine crap? No. These people shouldn’t have pets.


Vaccine’s not out yet, virus is not waiting on us. This is an annual thing, but be aware. In very young (especially premie) babies or kids with respiratory compromise, this can be very serious. In most, it amounts to an extra snotty and long-lasting cold. My guess is this fall/winter is going to be a very rough ride.


I’m sure you know this, but it’s dangerous for toddlers two. We ended up in the hospital for 3 days when our kid was almost too.
Every parent should know what it looks like when a baby or toddler is having trouble breathing


It always amazes me when parents wait days to bring a child in who is retracting, wheezing and has the “don’t bother me, I’m breathing” look. That is just terrifying. Anyone, child or adult, can have respiratory distress with this bug. That is it’s thing.


We didn’t quite get to that look mostly because we had good health providers. She was premie, though only a month early. Our pediatrician reminded us at every appointment that her lungs won’t be quite as big or strong and to take every respiratory disease seriously. Warned us she may not cough much.
As soon as the denting thing at her collarbone started we headed to the ER. I don’t know what the technical term is. Her oxygen wasn’t dangerous but would have been if we waited. I was astounded at how much gunk they sucked out. They couldn’t get the IV in, called in an anesthesiologist after the third try.
It was awful. But she was ok.


That would be retractions. This indicates that she was working to breath. Breathing should always be pretty much effortless. If you have to generate enough negative pressure to pull in the chest wall, you are working too hard. And when I say serious, I guess I should qualify, I am talking about ICU’s and ventilators, and worse. Yeah, my job distorts my impression of what “serious” means.


Yeah. I can see how waiting days when a kid is retracting could result in ICU and ventilator. It was terrifying. Just hospitalization was scary enough.
I hate profit medicine. I bet that’s why some parents wait, hoping it’s not that bad because the cost will be too much.


Yeah that’s BSA material, right there.

Good thing there aren’t that many elderly people in Flori–

Oh never mind.


These extreme peppers are linked with serious health concerns. In the 2020 case study, the Mississippi doctors reported that a healthy 15-year-old developed severe headaches for days after eating a Carolina Reaper pepper on a dare. Six days later, when he showed up at an emergency department with worsening headache, nausea, and vomiting, doctors found that his blood pressure was spiking and arteries in his brain had spasmed, limiting blood flow and leading to swelling and an infarct (tissue death due to inadequate blood supply). They diagnosed him with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) secondary to pepper ingestion. After treatment, he made a full recovery.

But the brain’s vasculature may not be the only big concern from extreme capsaicin doses. A 2012 case study from Turkey reported that a healthy 25-year-old man suffered a heart attack after taking cayenne pepper pills marketed for weight loss. Tests indicated that the cause of the heart attack was spasms of the coronary arteries. The researchers noted similar effects had been seen in rat hearts.

Things I wish I did not have to learn. But OK, since this is a thing, DON’T. That is all.

ETA: Just in case, and not just for this, but handy to have around:

Online Poison Control - webPOISONCONTROL


Yes, it’s true. Oral phenylephrine just does not work. Don’t waste your money.


Hasn’t this been said for years? I wonder what finally triggered the action


Originally officially questioned in 2007, what triggered this I do not know.


I have no idea why eye drops are such an issue recently, but here is another one:

Don’t use weird products in your eyes, guys. At the risk of sounding self-serving, consult your healthcare provider.


Came into the office this morning to find our clinical director at her desk looking like she had not been to bed. Apparently, she was having to go through and reschedule all the UVA appts for Sanofi’s Flublok vaccine. It seems that, after early distribution to several pharmacies in August, there was a “regulatory issue” and they are no longer providing the vaccine for now. And are being very squirrely about what sort of issue. It may be a “we ticked the wrong box and have to refile a form” kind of thing. With FDA that is not uncommon. But Sanofi is not clarifying, which makes me worry. It’s not been announced publicly yet, so there might be more details provided when it is. This is the 50+ vaccine, so doesn’t affect my patients, but does me personally. If you have an appt for Flublok, you might want to check and see what your status is.

ETA: And now it looks like this will be permanent. FluBlok will not be available at all this flu season. FluLaval will be, but how to adjust/reapportion/resupply is currently a work in progress. And still no info on what happened.


It’s going to be a long day. I was reading that as flub lok and was wondering what the hell that was a vaccine for :person_facepalming:


I believe UVA is not a reference to ultraviolet light

I think this will be the right place for this, but feel free to let me know if not…


Oh my God…

sad season 4 GIF by Outlander

Why you gotta post that while I’m in clinic? Damnit…


Sorry doc! :sob: