Healthcare PSAs and BSAs


Great news! That drug you can’t get, and if you can, you can’t afford, is even better than advertised! I’m certain this will help with that whole “availability” issue they are dealing with.

In the new study, led by researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, some of the GLP-1-associated risk reductions were quite substantial. Compared with patients taking insulin, patients taking a GLP-1 drug had a 65 percent lower associated risk of gall bladder cancer, a 63 percent lower associated risk of meningioma (a type of brain tumor), a 59 percent lower associated risk for pancreatic cancer, and a 53 percent lower associated risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). The researchers also found lower associated risks for esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and multiple myeloma.

Once again, correlation is not causation, but this correlation certainly begs further study. And more efforts to improve the ability to access what is increasingly looking like a really, really good drug.




Tangential but related to my field:

I would recommend certified nurse midwives to anyone who is not an extremely high-risk pregnancy. My experience with lay midwives has been mixed, with some very good, some lost to the antivaxx, antiscience, anti-vit K, erythromycin, medicine in general woo. But overall, definitely better birth experience than with most MD’s. YMMV, of course.


In a notice posted on its website, Change Healthcare said it could not confirm which data has been affected but said it may have involved information including names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, health insurance information, medical record numbers and billing information.
Change Healthcare publicly confirmed In April that the data breach could “could cover a substantial proportion of people in America,” which was later confirmed to be up to one-third of all Americans.
The company said it began providing notice to customers whose data was involved in the cyberattack on June 20 – nearly four months after the data breach – and plans to mail written letters to affected individuals starting in late July.

Good Lord, this has potential to be really, really bad. And I will lay odds that the company hacked will not shell out one penny to help. They have already delayed notifying folks for 5 months!


It’s good to see midwives described as beneficial, when they’ve been targeted for a while in many states. In PA, more got of attention from the press because of the needs in the Amish community. However, between the demands of the healthcare industry, pols raising concerns and changing legislation in licensing, as well as demands from the insurance industry put a lot of them out of business. Add sexism and racism to that, and it explains the shortages of midwives in communities of color that exist today.


The Oregon Health Authority said that investigations into the breach centered around a physician who delivered intravenous anesthesia and employed “unacceptable infection control practices, which put patients at risk of infections.”

I am struggling to come up with what these practices might have been, unless they were reusing needles or tubing. Probably will not get details, but this is really, really bad. OR protocols are almost cult-like in their efforts to maintain sterility. WTF, man!


The other possible event is them stealing some of the meds in a non sterile manner. I’d expect some charges on that case, but the hospital might want to keep that down low.

Hmmm, maybe not as I think about it more. That would increase infections, but not transmit disease.


Shaving your head is one traditional solution, too.


"If a patient tests positive, Providence will “reach out to discuss their test results and next steps,” Providence said.”

“And to offer affordable payment plans”, Providence continued.


For head lice. And if you don’t have a lot of scalp scars, like some of us.


Most lice these days are resistant to the insecticidal shampoos. Another case of “life will, uhhh, find a way.” My “cure” is to apply a Paul Mitchell product called Cholesterol (which might be the “silicone-based oil” in the article, but this is a creme rinse, roughly Crisco consistency and easy to rinse out), leave it overnight, rinse out then apply a 50% vinegar solution with a washcloth, let it soak a few minutes, then run a lice comb through. This dissolves the cement holding the nits to the hair shafts and gets them out. No side effects, I’m told the stuff leaves your hair soft and bouncy and smelling like a salad, so there is that, but also bug free. YMMV, but this has worked hundreds of times for me!

Pubic lice are verging on extinction thanks to current grooming practices, so shaving works for them as well!


The actual reason for merkins, to hide the fact that the pubic area had been shaved to get rid of lice, crabs, etc.

Or aren’t a girl with beautiful thick hair who would be forever shunned if she had to be shaved in grade or middle school for that reason.


(Lyme Disease)


There were no infections in the young women and girls that got the shots in a study of about 5,000 in South Africa and Uganda, researchers reported. In a group given daily prevention pills, roughly 2% ended up catching HIV from infected sex partners. The company said it is waiting for results of testing in men before seeking permission to use it to protect against infection.

It’s still early days, but the study is pretty large. We have already seen problems generalizing from studies in developing nations, but given that this is where the prevention is most desperately needed, it’s a reasonable choice. Watching for the rest of the data, and I never believe anything is 100% effective, but this is very encouraging.