People definitely do this and it’s definitely a form of bullying. It is not, however, limited to girls nor is “duking it out” somehow … better???
But… it’s like they said:
Could have just said “no drama” like an old tindr profile.
People definitely do this and it’s definitely a form of bullying. It is not, however, limited to girls nor is “duking it out” somehow … better???
But… it’s like they said:
Could have just said “no drama” like an old tindr profile.
Honestly, it was a stupid post, but I do hate the online mob. Sure, call it “consequences” or "people showing you the door"or whatever, but does saying the equivalent of “some girls are gossipers” really deserve that much hate? It may be a stupid, antiquated notion, but does it really rise to the level of personal threats?
People just get so excited to jump on the shaming bandwagon. I’ve done it myself. I need to remind myself “does this person really need yet another voice telling them off?”
Nice? Seems like the Puker in charge if you ask me. I read that and now I’m holding his bag of puke about who he doesn’t want to work with…
Last story in the first Creepshow movie.
What about long-haired freaky people?
Last story in this aptly named movie.
They need not apply.
Were there signs?
They should tuck their hair under their hats and go in and ask him why.
Wow, what a response. He’s definitely a puker, don’t want to hire that kind of person.
And a textbook example of a controller.
I’m actually going to be in Anderson this weekend. I shall avoid this fine establishment if for no other reason than to avoid the possibility of being harangued by Mr Good.
If he’d have been random schmuck on twitter with a “Man, bitches be gossippin’, amirite?” he’d have gotten a little pushback from whoever was ‘localish’ to him.
This was in a job ad, and employment, at the moment, is a thing. Especially retail employment which wasn’t great and then got COVID’d to death. So here’s a guy with a JOB and he’s lording it over all the poor unemployed teeming masses with his “most of you aren’t even QUALIFIED” list to work in a fucking candystore.
Sure, it was an out of proportion response. But only in size, not intensity.
Being an asshole is your right.
Being an asshole BOSS has legal and professional consequences.
(nb- threatening folks’ is NOT cool. You can get charged for that. Don’t.)
Or attract unassuming pedophiles to come work there.
Yeah, his wordy post seems to be made up of projection. Sexist projection.
Well, except for his own words. I suspect he’s a member of the party of “personal responsibility”, the party that claims to be that over and over but that never actually does so, ever.
It’s a largish community close to Indianapolis, the biggest blue dot (out of 4) in a sea of red in that state.
That’s why he’s getting pushback. Indiana is behind Georgia in turning purple, but it’s happening. And that’s why he’s spewing his rancid thoughts out like that: it’s the same old ‘scared of losing privilege’ we’ve seen elsewhere.
All controversy aside, that’s a really big candy store. Or am I just out of date? I don’t think I’ve been in a place that called itself a “candy store” since I was a kid, and back then they were holes-in-the-wall where you went in and bought strips of sugary dots off paper rolls for a nickel.