Help wanted: Burning Man's Chief Fed

Aw man, you got me. I am terrified of a bunch of people far away doing dumb stuff, people I’ll never meet.

Let me walk you through the thought process, since it seems extraordinarily difficult to grasp (based on your hallucination that I claimed that Burning Man causes global warming). Burning wood generates heat. The earth is getting hotter because of all the heat humans generate. It would be better to not generate heat unnecessarily.

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Yeah, that is just what I was going for there. When you arrive at a party, do you often hear a collective groan?


Okay, you had me going there for a bit, but you took it too far and gave yourself away. I rate this trolley 6/10, gg


I don’t exactly disagree with you, but I noticed a good opportunity for pedantry. There was once dominant theory that stated that most of the carbon sequestered by a tree in its lifetime was during the earlier phases, and the sequestered amount declined as the tree reached its full height. Science has since found (forgive me from citing nothing, but I’m quite confident about this) that old growth trees do, in fact, sequester huge amounts of carbon in the maintenance and renewal of their tissues.

Also I would like to point out that while growing trees do sequester carbon, if soot is deposited on a glacier from a fire, it will be a good deal longer for any trees to absorb that instance of carbon.

I will now step off my podium of pedantry.


Well I didn’t know that. I approve of your pedantry :+1:

I wouldn’t worry about the soot landing on glaciers. Partly because it’s in the desert but mostly because soon there won’t be any.

only? five-thousand? gross?

You make my point better than I ever could, burn on.

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Really would have thought you’d be better at recognizing hyperbole.


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