Here's a beautiful map that helped American women earn voting rights

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Huh. Never seen that before, but it is very well done.

Really like the drapery.


That’s a fantastic map!

Lady Columbia may have changed some over the years though. :wink:


Ah, the days when Kansas understood centrism and democracy…

Amendment: …better than they do now.


And subsequently as well.

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No criticism, that word ‘earned’ seems so out of place, to me. It’s the term so widely used, but the very notion of earning a right, to me it always hits me in the dignity. It’s the glaring gap between the promise and the reality of our experiment. I’m glad when rights are extended universally, and privilege recognized for what it is. I’d like to think we will get there, even if it all feels a little bit ‘two steps back’ since maybe January or so.


Many of the country’s best ideas do seem to generally flow from west to east. Maybe younger states just tend to be less set in their ways.


Look at all those white women. [insert raised eyebrow here]

There’s always one guy who takes some good and finds the bad in it.

It’s even worse than you think. Women won the vote in western states before Eastern ones because women were regarded as more civilized than men, and the western legislatures wanted their moderating influence to help tame the electorate and enable them to shed their unsavoury Wild West reputation. Whereas today western states wear their Wild West roots as a holy shroud.

Unfortunately, he’s not wrong. Read the next to the last comic there.

White feminism has long had a race problem, pretty much from reconstruction on. Too bad, because in the early days, feminists were closely aligned with abolitionists.


Right. But I guess I am just tired of the constant pessimism. Women’s suffrage was a huge step in the right direction, even though we still have a long way to go…

Sure, but we can acknowledge progress and still note how white women’s political emancipation wasn’t all women’s emancipation, because it really wasn’t. If we ignore that, we’re ignoring the whole story of what actually happened. We can also understand that the second wave also tended to focus pretty much on upper and middle class white women’s problems still. And keep in mind that the group that most benefited from affirmative action was in fact white women.

I don’t think it’s pessimism to point out realities that too many people are unwilling to acknowledge or face. I think it’s just honesty.


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