Originally published at: USA map on Sri Lankan television simplifies matters | Boing Boing
Well, are they wrong?
From a cultural point of view, that map is pretty darn accurate!
Obviously they aren’t familiar with Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, etc etc…
As a Michigander, I could be OK with joining New York, but no F’ing way does Texas get the Upper Peninsula!
Having a hard time disputing that…
As a Canadian, it looks legit to me. You guys can actually start teaching some world geography and history in school now that we have simplified your domestic situation!
Can we get a Chicago in the mix at least? Not a fan being a part of Texas lol
Ohio is part of New York, and WV/KY are part of Florida. Reducing the US to the four states with the largest populations and generalizing/simplifying the borders, should result in this map, or one that’s pretty close.
I particularly liked how they included Idaho and Utah in the Texas section rather than California.
IMO, whoever drew that map for Sri Lankan television did a surprisingly good job. It reminds me of this map after the 2004 US Election:
Texas has a lot of people and a lot of money, but I’ve never been anyplace that hates Texans more than Colorado and northward. The big empty states up there may dress like us, but they most definitely do NOT like Texans telling them what to do. Take that map of “Texas” and split it north of Oklahoma and you’re closer to truth.
As a regulation and social support system loving Minnesotan please Lord, I don’t want to hate it here.
I think if you look at the peninsula of Maryland/Delaware, that line runs along the border of Kentucky/Tennessee and Virginia/North Carolina. I tried to overlay their maps (the perspective is way out of whack), but, pretty sure they used those state borders for the Florida New York border.
The Texas/Califorina border is quite a bit closer to the coast.
And where’s Pennsyltucky?
Not to mention BWCA.
It’s the lowercase y in New york that’s wrong isn’t it?
You are absolutely correct (and definitely a better cartographer than I am or they were).
For cultural “accuracy”, they probably should have drawn the FL border to include KY and WV (and probably VA too) but the “look” of the map might not be as “clean”, since those states have wiggly northern borders and straight southern ones. The same issue is probably with Wisconsin and Illinois being part of Texas.
Thanks for the correction.
It’s difficult for sure, especially when the city/rural factors in. The national precinct map would really look more like a bacteria-colonized petri dish.
Yep… Looks right to me.
As a native of greater New York, just north of the Florida border, I’m glad that our Sri Lankan masters never heard of the Mason-Dixon line…