Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/04/heres-andy-kaufman-on-the-da.html
I would love to see a follow up interview with the other contestants just to get their reaction to OMG Andy Kaufman.
I wonder on the regular what Andy Kaufman would be doing with the internet at his fingertips.
The 70’s were WEIRD as fuck.
Also, there’s a theory that Andy Kaufman isn’t really dead, but that he’s been in disguise as his greatest comedy performance art character, Donald Trump. Man that reveal is going to be AWESOME.
Why wonder? He’s out there somewhere, still screwing with people.
Andy? Thoughts?
That was SO good. Damn he was funny…
I can’t wait for the reveal, gonna pull that stupid orange mask off Mr. Kaufman if I ever get close enough.
What’s amazing to me is how earnestly he could play any ruse. He could carry a con farther than anybody.
The quality of the video was outstanding.
the toothpaste for dinner guy likes to go on reddit and make nonsense responses
and subtly trollies his city’s subreddit:
And once released a series of ironic techno songs under a psuodnym
Wait… are we all living in an epic kaufman sketch? That explains everyyything… i can finally get the good nights’ sleep that has so eluded me.
Proving to me that Latka Gravis was his only even remotely funny schtick. I have never understood some people’s fascination for this so-called comic, he just creeps me out in any other gag.
creepiness, when you think about it, is actually really funny.
Way before he’d announced that, a friend of mine worked for an indie paper in Columbus and interviewed him, being a big fan of toothpaste for dinner. Halfway through the interview he noticed the Kompressor mask on a shelf. “Oh yeah. I’m Kompressor, too. Want some mixtapes?” He came home with an armload of Kompressor demos. Drew is kind of amazing.
My favorite was that he offered to design /r/columbus a header image then just used a stock image of des moines, iowa and acted like it was an accident. he’s got a very ken-m aesthetic to his wholesome trolling that I like.
Edit: Also the way I noticed most of this is he did an AMA with the same account he used to troll for years, then continued using that account to troll, and people still take the bait because he’s low key enough it passes scrutiny. Absolute legend.
I’ve heard this except he isn’t Trump, he’s Ann Coulter
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