Here's the everyday-carry for Australian cyberspies in China

I’ve heard that agents on extended missions get Vegemite implants.


That’s the real story. Chinese are undoubtedly committing more espionage, and doing it more successfully, on Western countries than vice versa. This little article just knows too much about “how it’s done.”

Plus, it’s telling when they throw in the arc about Aussi’s inciting fake news stories in Mother China: the Chinese populace are alerted that, when they read of unfavorable events in China, it must have been planted by foreign spies.


Labor Senator Sam Dastiyari resigned when he was revealed to be receiving donations from the CCP.


Is China sure that those are spies and not trainspotters?


Chinese Intelligence reports a plot by the Australian Secret Service to smuggle Drop Bears in to the mainland.

@anonotwit And the Knife.

@RickMycroft As long as the Security Forces don’t piss-off Bigby, they should be okay… Though Sickboy does do a suspiciously good Sean Connery Impression and seems to know a lot about spycraft.

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Ah, classic 5-eyes tho.

NZ broke into embassies for CIA and MI6

“Acting for MI6, the SIS twice raided the high commission of India, in 1989 and 1991. It photographed thousands of pages of codebooks in a mission called Operation Dunnage. Also in the early 1990s, Operation Horoscope was staged, with the SIS breaking into Iran’s embassy in Wellington for America’s CIA. Our intelligence agencies bugged the embassy and helped the CIA intercept communications Iran wanted to keep secret.”


The compass indicates the direction of earth’s magnetic north, and the USB drive can be used to digitally store information. Incredible!


Nup. If it was real there would have been a boomerang.

And the coin purse would be made from a wallaby scrotum. My sister got one when visiting Oz. It’s prized.

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Oh they regularly arrest a few randoms every time there’s a minor disagreement. Which is increasingly frequent, as tensions escalate in the region.

I mean, I ASSUME we have spies over there too. I’d be disappointed if we didn’t. But I doubt they have a standardised kit.

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