Here's the new trailer for Alien: Romulus (video)

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Six times burned, seven times shy. Or put another way: Fool me six times, shame on you; fool me seven times, shame on me.


I think i’ve seen all the Alien movies (excluding the second Predator Vs Alien movie) and this looks promising. I’m not expecting to be blown away but i do hope it’s worth watching, we’ll see.


All I ask is another character with a 3d mapping drone gets lost in the structure he just mapped.


That’s the problem - the trailers always look pretty good. Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to see it, because I’m a sucker, and nostalgia is one of my buttons. But it’s an understatement to say my expectations are low after all the movies but the first two (though I have to admit to a grudging respect for Alien: Resurrection),


Trailers don’t fool me much, i try to be skeptical and so far all i can say is that it looks and feels right. My true thoughts on it is that i am curious as to what this particular sequel is bringing, what is it trying to do and say? Is this movie content with rehashing what Alien and Aliens did? Does it have a point of view at least that is interesting even if it isn’t changing the formula elsewhere?

I will also go see it regardless, i hope at least it’s entertaining.


Taking place between the time of the original Alien (1977) and Aliens (1986), the story is described thusly

so Ripley is in stasis over there somewhere throughout? (“didn’t watch the clip, didja?”)

“While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe.”

and these are just an additional set of company sent victims?

tell me these guys figure out “acid blood” just needs a nerf-gun loaded with sodium hydroxide (‘lye’) or even baking soda…? (“haHa …utterly neutralized now, ey, double teeths!”)


I propose a test- do the aliens talk to each other about anything besides implanting humans with alien spawn? I’m willing to give the movie a try if they do, otherwise not so much.


That’s one of the very few things that takes me out of the original film (which is a masterpiece, of course, so it’s inconsequential) - when they’re scrambling around to stop the acid before, as Dallas says, it eats through the hull. A ship that large, a hole that small? That would be a tiny leak, easily patched with some duct tape. Nothing to get too frantic about.


Since it’s established in the second and fourth movies that they have a pretty sophisticated intelligence (cutting the power to the base in the second, and killing their compatriot to use its blood to escape their enclosure in the fourth) I’d hope so. I’d love to see one of these movies really explore xenomorph psychology, but I doubt we’ll ever get that.


I dunno, one of the things that made them so scary in the first place is that they were so devoid of any relatable or human-like traits. A creature of pure lethal instinct that can’t be reasoned or negotiated with any more than the predatory wasps that inspired it.

As Ash described it in the first movie: “The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility […] I admire its purity. A survivor; unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.”

It doesn’t need psychological complexity or even intelligence any more than the shark from Jaws did. It just needs to be an unstoppable, unrelenting creature that kills human beings in horrible ways because that’s what it evolved/was designed to do.


I agree, and more. The reason it was so scary is because it was, well, alien.

The moment motivation or psychology enters into it they will become disappointingly familiar and trite.


Yeah, it would never be as cool as it is in my head. Better that they remain inscrutable, eldritch intelligences. Anything that would make them more relatable would diminish them.


Jaws. The Revenge. This Time, it’s personal.


“I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.” —Michael Caine on his role in Jaws: The Revenge


Doesn’t anyone think to check the galley fridge for an old box of Baking Soda?

Mix that up in a bucket of water, splash it on them, and anything with molecular acid blood is going to have a really bad day.


that’s how I feel about more “Alien” movies


I can’t tell if it’s meant to be a reboot? Any idea if that’s the case?