Here's the new trailer for Alien: Romulus (video)

I was also sad that the Space Jockey alien-victim in the first film got “explained” in later flicks, for the same reason, more interesting if it’s… alien.

And along with the scouting stupidity mentioned earlier, the captain is freaking smoking on the bridge of his spaceship.


I’m not even letting that Prometheus crap into my mind-canon. The fossilized corpse of the pilot from the first movie clearly wasn’t just supposed to be some 8-foot tall bald human-looking dude in a suit and no retcon is going to convince me otherwise.


Filmed at the beginning of the end of the age of smoking everywhere, all the time, even when it was a heinously stupid place to be smoking. :woman_shrugging:

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Yeh, before the xenomorphs were over-used (after the first few movies for me, especially starting at resurrection), one of the things that made them so scary was how… alien they were.


They at least talk about their eggs a bit - does that count?

Also the alien Queen and Ripley have that face off/negotiation (ending with the Queen getting very pissed off) which suggests full-on sentience.


What makes it really stupid and annoying is that in Aliens they got it right- Sgt. Apone pops out of his cryo-tube and immediately sticks a cigar in his mouth… but never lights it, because he’s on a spaceship!


Watch ALL the 'Alien' films !!!__FGD135


I thought the trailer looked pretty good, though like many modern trailers it reveals so much of the plot that I feel I don’t need to waste my time going to watch the actual film.

It doesn’t seem to add anything new. There was a clear flexion from Alien through Aliens, Alien 3 and even Alien 4. I haven’t seen 5 and 6.

This seems to return us to the plot of the original Alien only it’s a bunch of youngsters on a space station.

That said, it’s nice to see the diversity and hear a number of British accents.

I’ll probably watch it when I fly to Japan during the winter.

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waddayatalkinabout? its great! its grotesque, silly, gory and over the top, like you would expect from the guy who made delicatessen with his friend caro. sigourny weaver just kills it here. its different :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


1 and 2 are untouchable classics, 3 blows, all the new ones suck, but 4…. It’s like it was created just for me!

Joss Whedon? Jean-Pierre Jeunet? Winona :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Ryder? Ron Pearlman? Dominique Pinon? Brad motherfucking Dourif? Are you kidding me?

The shot where Ripley clone nets the basketball… the aliens swimming… Brad motherfucking Dourif… so great! I never understood the hate.


that, actually, was shot in camera. weaver just tried and goaled (guess you knew that already :wink:)


Agreed. Some of the alien movies were decent, but the first two were the best. If anything I would be looking for a continuation of The Saga not some kind of a cheap flashback. It seems like this would be an idea that would be floated & sunk within the first couple of minutes.
I still think that the idea for a follow-up that was rumored back in the 80s where, just like in our debilitated court system today, even videos are not adequate proof of wrongdoing…Ripley tries to sue the Corporation for damages but has no proof. So she has to go track down another alien and bring it into the court to prove her case! Mayhem ensues.


Definitely the world of the movies should have left the whole deal with the aliens as a huge question mark. I’m sure that would’ve been unsatisfying but there is more to fear with not just the unknown but also the things that will forever be outside of our grasp for understanding. That’s part of what makes lovecraftian horror work, it’s baked into the setting that the true nature of things is beyond our comprehension.


Not sure either, lets see. I looked it up and there’s no clear answer, but from what i see the director confirmed that it does tie into other existing Alien movies so perhaps it’s just padding out the lore rather than replacing/rebooting anything but we’ll see.


If it takes place between 1 and 2 they better have a good explanation for how aliens got from LV-426 to this station


Yeah, all this is why I kinda love it. I don’t think it’s a success as an Alien movie, but as a black comedy riff on the Alien universe it’s fantastic. Dourif and Hedaya in particular are hilarious (and the breath-biometric door entry gag KILLS. :laughing:)


Jeunet’s introduction to the “director’s cut” of Alien Resurrection is hilarious, the contempt he shows for the whole affair drips off him. He talks about how he felt the movie was fine as it was, so whatever, here’s a version with some alternate takes. Enjoy, or not, he doesn’t care.


It looks better than anything since Alien Resurrection. I will have cautious optimism.

Super disappointed in Prometheus and Covenant. Heck I don’t hardly remember Covenant, and the parts of Prometheus I remember because it was infuriatingly dumb.

Aliens doesn’t need some complicated story line. It’s more about mood and the terror of a primordial creature that seems to come out of the walls, reproduces like a parasitic wasp, and will melt your face off when you shoot it.


Yep, exactly. Ridley Scott said about the first movie (quoting from memory): “I did a Haunted House movie in a spaceship.”