Here's the Piers Morgan vs. Kermit the Frog fashion showdown you never knew you needed

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I was invested until this bit

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Nope. I’d rather remain a fashion reject.


I did - but I guess I pissed him off and he blocked me when I pushed back on the idea of buying shoes you can have soles replaced and will last decades, making it affordable to have some really nice, well made shoes.

I said something about that being a good idea if you can afford it, but too many people are buying $20 payless shoes and using duct tape to get through through a year. :confused:

In general, his advice isn’t bad for middle to upper middle class people wanting to dress nice on a budget - not bespoke, but nice. But for anyone under that, the reality of the world is cheaply made stuff that wears out faster because its all they can afford. :confused:

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I don’t know what your charity shop situation is, but regularly popping into those that abound in my local high street is definitely worthwhile. I do regular sweeps looking for frames and have picked up coats and boots.


I would not compare well to Kermit either, so I’m keeping my laughter rueful.


Well yeah, definitely, that is a great option. It really depends where you live. Like the goods around where I live now are significantly better than when I lived in Independence, MO.

Also, Ross or Marshalls or similar place is a decent place to find better made clothes for less - but you are at the mercy of the sizes they have that didn’t sell last year.


booooo that is disappointing :confused:


I dunno… advocating heading to Twitter for fashion advice at this point feels a bit like admiring Hugo Boss’s work on the SS uniforms.


General rule of thumb:
People who get along with Muppets are awesome human beings
People who get along with Piers Morgan are not.

Kermit got dance lessons from Gene Kelly!

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