Here's the TSA's stupid, secret list of behavioral terrorism tells

And yet, if I even so much as punch a fellow line-stander because he yawned, looked down, or complained ‘excessively’ about the TSA, I’M the one they haul away! Typical government. One law for the TSA, and another for everyone else.

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I tried to interest the Skeptical Inquirer in the cult-like, fear-based ‘war on drugs,’ but I guess that didn’t seem odd to them.

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“Behavior detection, which is just one element of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) efforts to mitigate threats against the traveling public, is vital to TSA’s layered approach to deter, detect and disrupt individuals who pose a threat to aviation,” a spokesperson said in an emailed statement.

So you see, that’s doutbless covered elsewhere, in their list of skin color tells.

And yet…

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I think they forgot to add “Dr’ Evil (Austin Powers) style pinky motion towards lips”.

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No, I don’t think so. Even the TSA is smart enough to know that Santa has flying reindeer and a sleigh. He doesn’t ride commercial aircraft.


It is a well known fact that terrorists stand in line at a security checkpoint in an airport shortly before committing an act of terrorism.

… I know someone who is going on the naughty list.


All my grandparents and uncles hate crossing borders and going through checkpoints, not because they’ve ever done anything wrong, but because they lived in occupied countries in WWII. They’ve passed the paranoia on to the younger generation, and as much as we know the situation’s different, we all tense up and act nervous at checkpoints.

That’s not even including the extra anxiety my relatives who are afraid of flying have. And we’re hardly the only ones with this kind of cultural attitude towards authority figures checking papers.

Ergo, I think nervousness is a crap indicator of guilt if it’s happening right before someone gets in a plane.

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Fortunately, there isn’t an entry on the list that says “someone who refuses to ever fly a f***ing plane again.” I wouldn’t want TSA invading my house, demanding to swab my lack of luggage.

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With a genesis steeped in racism, its near total denial of medical evidence, its continued existence dependent on constant fear-generation as you say above, and it’s obvious continuing racist application[see Johann Hari’s Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs, discussed here on boingboing a number of places] it’s almost the epitome of what skepticism is for FFS. The accumulated harm, and horrors, of the drug wars has got to be orders of magnitude worse than those due to all the ufo/quack medicine/and recent religious belief combined. This just about completely delegitimizes the skeptic organizations based on their own stated purposes. It’s also a subset of what I’m harping on here and all over the place for a year.

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Umm isn’t that what the 9/11 terrorists did?

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this reminds me of the “constable savage” sketch from not the nine o’clock news;


Hey, free trip abroad and you won’t have to wait in any TSA queues.


But I hear the wait staff can be a little too attentive though, if you are not hungry they will bring you food anyway…

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