Here's the video NYPD released of a plainclothes cop brutally attacking tennis star James Blake

Well the difference is that white power is oppressive and black power is liberatory. The meme kind of erases the oppressor/oppressed dynamic of institutional racism. For interracial unity of the kind suggested by the meme to take hold, white allies would need to “not be afraid” of black power. Whites who are have a racism problem, or simply don’t understand the context of black power and shouldn’t blame others for their naivete or ignorance. This is an age old dilemma with regards to privilege.


There’s still a chance, but they’re going to sit on this silently for awhile and let people get madder about it, then Patrick Lynch will make a speech about how the officer was putting his life on the line every day for your babies and did nothing wrong, and then the police will turn their back on De Blasio the next chance they get. Rinse and repeat.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen enough of this needless aggression by the people with the power to execute at will.

Who works for whom?

*Please forgive me, I’m going to shout.



Regarding that graphic:
I’m white. ‘White Power’ scares me - ‘Black Power’ does not.

White Power is about claiming superiority and promoting xenophobia.
Black Power is about demanding equality and standing up to racism.

They are not equal as that graphic tries to paint them.
But the bottom pic is pretty accurate.


YES! I was having that exact same line of thinking, too!

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Same, not afraid of black power. I’m as white as the driven snow but when I see a person giving the black power salute I feel the world isn’t all bad & immediately empathize with that person. When I see indications of white power I feel revulsion & anger & while I can empathize with that person I prefer to avoid them or thoughts of them altogether.


Change, now.

I mean it.


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Did you see what I just did there?

Read it again.

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Boy, I don’t know those credit card fraud guys can be really violent. White collar crime thuggery and all that, what with their fancy computers and such.

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I didn’t say they had flipped anything. But I have seen various videos of people and groups calling for the killing of others, literally enslaving white people, and of course killing cops. I want to stress that I believe these are fringe actors, even if they claim membership to BLM or New Black Panther Party or whatever. But those are the people that get seared into the hearts and minds of others. Even if their numbers are small, they can cause a disproportionate amount of fear.


Mod note: Stay on topic.

Some people really hate tennis.


You ran away from what you were saying about the picture and now you’re bringing up bogeymen. Why not apply the same speculation to the officer in the video? This was bad police work by any standard besides “he was black and in public.”

I’m glad that all it took to bring this dickless scumbag cop to justice was for him to make the mistake of brutalizing a celebrity.


He looks like that guy on Criminal Minds:

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The officer is still required to identify himself and still required to read rights.


In a related story, Police Commissioner Bratton has issued a statement: “We regret this unfortunate case of mistaken identity due to the fact so many brown people look alike to the NYPD’s militarized police force of steroid-crazed, homicidal racist thugs with hair-trigger tempers. September 11, terrorism, America, freedom, support our troops.”


The only thing we can be sure of is that NYC’s “significant financial commitment” will come in the form of a 7 figure retirement package to the officer.
That’s not just off the top of my head - it’s standard practice.

If he was a white guy, would you have thought he was being jumped?

/ducks & covers…

Had I not known the story before seeing the video however…

Getting jumped and getting jumped-in are distinct. Getting jumped just means being attacked,and happens to anyone. Getting jumped-in is what you referenced.