Hey - um, can we have the Regular Lounge thread back if we behave?

Preferably by restoring the lounge, not by editing the text.


Well I didn’t mean to stir up too much controversy. I figured it has been awhile and things have cooled. I get some of the reasoning for the change, but I think the concept of the lounge added more than it took away. I am not saying we need the same powers as before with flagging, nor even the ability to MAKE new regular only threads. Just one admin created thread with a TL3+ access.

Anyway, what spurred this was I made the kiddo re-watch Star Wars (she didn’t remember most of it from when I showed her awhile ago) and introduced her to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so we can now make references to it. I figured the lounge would have the highest percentage of appreciation for that among all my other social outlets.


Ooh! Ooooh! If it’s SF we’re having, can we be Special Circumstances Operatives instead?


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