High schoolers scream in agony after volunteering to be pepper sprayed for extra credit

Welcome to the real world, kids!

Not like that. They are exposed to irritants in order to learn how to use their protective equipment. I don’t see any of those high schoolers wearing a gas mask.

(On the other hand, letting 17 year old kids join the armed forces… but that’s another topic for another day.)


It’s really, really irritating.
A friend once had the brilliant idea to test her pepper spray, “just a teensy-weensy little squirt”. Indoors. Not a good idea.
Worse than CS gas in my experience.


My go-to reply, at least to the teacher who came up with this hare-brained, (actually, that’s a real insult to hares), is this:


It occurs to me that the “StopResistingPleaseComply” is simply part of the process for using pepper spray for the cops; this is what they say no matter what their targets are doing, complying or not. In field conditions it may very well be at that same monotone level. As has already been noted: assholes.

ACAB, even when just “helping” at a high school.


I think that’s the equivalent of a magician saying “Abbracadabra” - the magic doesn’t work unless you say the words.




Having been pepper sprayed several times, and teargassed once, all in training, I can say with all my heart that no amount of extra credit is worth it.


What is the likelihood of serious, potentially permanent eye damage for a minor wearing contacts? Or, a severe asthma attack being triggered?

I mean, surely the adults in this situation have thought about the medical dangers, right?




My significant other is technically a Law Enforcement Officer, in that they manage a State Park (have to go though lite LEO training to give tickets). They were required once to do it, but after that once you can opt out when subsequent years training happens.

There’s no way in heck I’d volunteer.

When I managed a three screen theater years ago we had significant downtime between showings. We would often fill that time playing hearts. One of the young women had a pepper spray on her keychain, nothing compared to what these kids were exposed to. One of the other employees was fiddling with it, gave it a tiny spritz. I calmly got up and exited the room and waited. 30 seconds later they all came running out, the woman whose spray it was was crying, everyone else’s eyes were burning. Not something to be messed around with.


Yoinked for future use.

My mom’s second husband (very much not a step-father in any way) took a job as a senior prison guard. He told a story about when they were allowed to club a prisoner which apparently required chanting “go to your cell” three times and acknowledging that some of the other guards reporting to him would indeed run that three times together exactly like you’re thinking. They weren’t supposed to do that, of course, but I can’t recall him ever saying he disciplined anyone for it.

I have to wonder if he ended up in the prison he had been guarding when they busted him for cocaine possession.

Absolutely they did. That’s why there were waivers, right?


Good old CS.gas. That’s what we had to run through in Air Base Ground Defense training in the U.S. Air Force Security Police training program in the late 1970s. It was not torture it was a learning experience just like these high schoolers found out. Unlike the high schoolers I was armed. What I learned was I would gladly throw down my rifle for a canteen of water to rinse out my eyes. It’s called learning by doing.

Pretty sure it was actually teaching them how wrong it is to use chemical irritants on people… With the extra lesson of the obviously shitty backhanded sarcastic use of “Stop resisting. Please comply”.

Wonder how the kneeling on someone’s neck for 8:46, or 7:46 or actually 9:29 lessons went…?

When I was in school the biggest thing that ever happened to us was the Weekly Reader.

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I’m really hoping that there was no IRB involved; because the alternative is that an IRB actually signed off on this. That would be dire.


I doubt the instructor can even spell “IRB”, let alone know what one is or why he shouldn’t be experimenting on minor children with a reduced lethatlity pain compliance weapon that can cause fatal respiratory distress.


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