Highlights from Kamala Harris's speech to the DNC

Which speeches did you like better? Waltz was good. AOC was good. Didn’t listen to a lot more but I listened to the Crooked Media podcasts and others with highlights.


My fear is that she decides to copy the nightmare that is Keir Starmer. With progressives like that, who needs a right wing?


don't try it barack obama GIF


I don’t think she’ll go that far. She’s been pretty vocal in support of trans rights.


… I vaguely remember Doug Emhoff, Michelle Obama, and Jasmine Crockett all being good, and Biden too actually (sigh) but honestly I wasn’t really keeping track of who said what

Maybe I should go back and watch the whole thing on purpose and take notes instead of listening to it as background noise :thinking:


The nom can’t do as well in some ways, especially since they have so much ground to cover and so many constituencies to appease.


The role of the conventions has changed dramatically over time, as such things are wont to do.

It used to be about choosing a candidate and a platform, but nowadays there are modern ways of doing that without getting all the party leaders into the same building together. More democratic ones too, since the rank-and-file voters get a meaningful role in the process now.

Nowadays the convention is really a tightly scripted campaign event designed to harness the power of mass media coverage to sell a party’s candidate and platform to the voters.

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Michelle Obama seemed great in the clips I heard. With call and response. I didn’t hear those others. I can’t actually listen to any of this for long. Some sort of jaded aversion kicks in.

I am just so happy to hear the candidates and the delegates talking about joy and about getting oppressor boots off of necks, etc. Maybe we can dare to dream about healthcare for all next.


… I know, right?

and then it turns out this stuff is important, because it’s where all the players for 2028 or 2032 come from :thinking:


My favorite part because I like mini rants was on Pod Save America’s newest around Trump’s social media post about Walz being an assistant coach, he goes “an assistant coach is a coach, you stupid asshole”. LOL


I dunno… he looks pretty… satisfied in that photo.


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