Hiker finds 3 almost "mummified" bodies at campsite in Colorado Rockies

Isn’t there anywhere a mummy can take their family to camp and not be disturbed anymore? Sad.


I do use metric measurements for my projects, unlike most Americans; millimeters are so much simpler than looking at fractions of an inch. So “I blame the metric system” is partially correct, thinking in metric means I fall into decimal logic sometimes.

However a friend of mine said about Celsius “You know, when I walk outside, and it’s super hot, 100F just seems more appropriate to how it feels than saying 38C.”


…besides, when it’s -50℉ or 100℉, we damn well know what that F really stands for!

It is inneresting that -40℉ is the same temp as -40℃. So odd that they line up at that figure.


what’s crazy to me is it appears to me that they all succumbed in relatively the same time. maybe the two in the tent died first and the third was trying to get to safety…
no abandoned vehicle?

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Something of an update perhaps:

It’ll be interesting / sad to learn more about what led these people to set up to live out there, if it turns out that is what they were attempting to do.


Did nobody report these three people as missing?

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Never over-estimate your outdoor survival abilities.


They prefer fresh meat over freeze dried person jerky?

Absolutely true.

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