Hollywood hypocrites tearing America apart and rioters battling to destroy the United States, in this week’s dubious tabloids

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/26/hollywood-hypocrites-tearing-a.html

The tabloids are like President Trump in the worst possible way.

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Curious: Is anyone a fan of these tabloid posts?


no, and i can find neither journalistic nor entertainment value. quite the contrary actually.


I am. I find them fun.



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a fan of these posts because they do not agree with the original article’s slant. that would not be enough to warrant liking the post however, but I also look at the covers when in a check out line so I at least know what people like this are claiming. I can do that less now that Boing smooshes them all together in a quick rant.


We ARE living in a dangerous world, where at least 130,000 Americans have died of a pandemic that is getting worse by the hour due to the willful neglect of a criminally incompetent administration. That doesn’t seem to be the world these publications want to warn us about, however.


I’ve seen tabloids do too much damage in the real world to consider them entertainment or to think it’s a good idea to signal boost them in the way these posts do. And I still believe that anybody who reads posts like these (or enjoys dunking on reality TV) is just consuming the same shitty content, they just don’t like to admit to themselves that they like it.


Back in the 90s in art school I freaking LOVED Weekly World News. My Toaster is Possessed by Satan, Elvis Tribe Found in Jungle, Bat Boy Escapes!, that kind of stuff. It was hilarious satire.

But the rags these days are just depressing propaganda shit that contribute nothing positive to the world whatsoever.

But I do appreciate these posts just to keep tabs on them.


Oh? Which one is the homicidal vegetarian?

Just came here to say that these posts are bullshit because they don’t include the WWN.

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OK, good to hear. I’m legit not trying to troll here. But these are just about the weirdest posts on BB from my perspective, and I’m curious what’s driving them.

Small but vocal fan base? Editor pet project?


Well friend of an editors pet project.
On the whole I just find them mostly amusing and informative in where the some of the right wing gets the strange ideas it gets.
As with @yoyodyne I do miss the paper copies of The Weekly World News with presidents shaking hands with aliens, Jake The Alligator Man and of course Bat Boy!
There were one or two other in the WWN vein at the time but it was the best and I actually would buy it in the check out isle regularly.


I agree with @Kaneda_Jones and @TobinL (happy cake day!). I find them slightly amusing. One post to sum up the tabloid trash.

Also, if I remember the purpose of these round ups, it was something the author had to do in the course of their job. When I read them, I don’t hear the writer’s voice as celebrating the tabloids, but rather making fun of the tabloids.


Nope nope

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