Originally published at: Home camera catches U.S. Marshal slugging unarmed, handcuffed black suspect | Boing Boing
Good to know they’re investigating, that’s a relief.
Fuck you asshole fascist piece of shit, and your bootlicking stormtrooper enabling buddies.
It’s not BLM, it’s not woke, it’s not cancel… It’s you. You are the fucking problem.
Extrajudicial activities of the Police in the USA have reached a new low. These fucking fascist scumbags are running amok with zero over sight. Who do you call when the Police are the criminals?
are these the good apples?
The good one was standing by doing nothing.
That marshal belongs in prison or an unmarked shallow grave. The other two who watched and did nothing belong in prison.
And I’m pretty sure they know it. It’s why they beat the crap out of so many people in the BLM protests - they were angry they were being challenged. It’s why they also then immediately followed it up with angry, shrilly-desperate propaganda about not being the enemy and being the ones maintaining order - it’s like the old saw about advertising says: if they have to say it, it’s because it’s not true.
That officer was clearly defending himself from a likely heavily armed face that could have seriously damaged his fist. In fact, he might be the victim here. I hope they charge the suspect for possible knuckle lacerations and dislocated pinkies.
Life in prison should be the sentence for any corrupt cop. These are people who wield tremendous power- they can ruin your life with a lie, they can steal your possessions and money with impunity, they can beat or murder you consequence-free. If they are shown to be abusing that power, they are not only corrupt criminals, they are betraying the public trust and perverting all the ideals that America should stand for. Anyone willing to do that is too dangerous to ever be allowed back into society again.
I’m even more disturbed at him being dragged with his arms cuffed behind his back. That looks like one of those Guantanamo Bay torture stress positions.
ACAB. It doesn’t matter who they work for.
What are the odds that the cop who sucker-punched a handcuffed man also considers himself to be a good Christian? Oh yeah, and not a racist?
There are many reasons why good police officers in this country are being attacked – but one reason may be found in the behavior of monsters like these Federal Marshals. They – and the politicians and officials who shield them from justice – must be exposed, prosecuted, convicted… and condemned to a life of public ostracizement, shame… and poverty.
Some more info on the background of the incident
Police? Tuesday?
Not to mention the guy in the back is getting a beating as well.
Oh, he’s the worst of the bunch.
So its a hancuffed 17 year old being punched in the face, even worse.
I’d really like to think my relatives in Jackson are outraged over this and demanding accountability, but unfortunately I know they aren’t
I missed that until your comment. Sure enough the video shows cops assaulting 2 hancuffed people