Originally published at: Hoping to ban abortion Virginia Republicans try revenge porn | Boing Boing
Honestly, some part of the electorate will be more likely to vote for them. You know, they’re being “relatable”.
TrumpkinYoungkin sees a Virginia abortion ban as his ticket for a 2024 POTUS run. He and his team will pull all the punches to make it happen.
An “anonymous Republican operative” checking out Chaturbate recordings? Well, color me surprised! Par for course.
Just when I assume Republican politicians can’t get any scummier, they show me I’m wrong. I should know better by now.
Gibson told the Post that the disclosure of the videos was “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.” She continued, “It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me.”
It’s dirty politics, but I’d be surprised if this could stand up as revenge porn. They were putting on a public sex show, on the internet, I don’t think a reasonable person can expect privacy protections in that situation. I did Chaturbate for a bit, and I made my peace with the fact that someone might have done a screen grab/recording, because, like, computers, that’s how they work.
It’s not just about the expectation of privacy. As the post says, Virginia law makes it a “Class 1 misdemeanor to ‘maliciously’ distribute sexual or nude images of someone else with ‘intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate.’” The difficulty may be in proving malice, no matter how obvious it seems.
Besides there are restrictions, even on the internet. If someone acquires your credit card information through a third-party source I doubt you’d say, “Oh well, I didn’t consent for that to be shared but that’s how the internet works.”
“tips” like money, or tips like “start with a little fondling before you get right to the main act, people appreciate a little warm up, eh?”
Honestly, I’ve enjoyed the complete confusion this story has generated over the past day. Literally every site who has covered it has first seized on the “candidate does porn!” aspect before (or sometimes not even bothering) finding out that its with their husband and was consensually filmed. To which the general response has been “so, are we supposed to be offended? For someone having * checks notes * sex with their spouse?”
Honestly nothing would shock me. If they are literally drinking blood or harvesting adrenochrome or whatever. I wouldn’t be shocked.
10 -1 odds that Youngkin was one of the Chaturbate paying observers.
It’s a good point about the action being malicious.
In this case it compares more closely to publicly posting your credit card info to a forum website, and then being upset that people are passing around your credit card info. But I suppose in the right context it could still be an act of targeted harassment to publicize information that’s already publicly available.
What they were doing wasn’t “publicly available”. It was on a restricted site which is why I specifically said “If someone acquires your credit card information through a third-party source”, meaning a source you didn’t give permission to.
The internet is not all one vast public space. Parts of it are restricted and, as was said in the original post here, “Those videos were apparently archived on other sites without the Gibsons’ knowledge.”
Emphasis mine, because it furthers the point, which you seem to be missing, that just because they were having sex on a livestream that doesn’t mean they gave strangers permission to record and share it. It’s absolutely nothing like “publicly posting your credit card info to a forum website” and when you say it is that implies they deserve what they’re getting.
Clearly they seem less troubled about some kinds more than other kinds.
Any person with a strong stomach and an anonymized browser for preference can type in Melania Trump’s name and the words “nude” and “sex” and “photo or video” and… yikes the results are legion.
Something goose something gander blah blah blah.
I would kind of understand feeling it was private if it were a password restricted room? But I’m reading a little more and that doesn’t seem like what it was?
I don’t know what you mean calling Chaturbate a restricted site. Do you mean the pop-up on the landing page? Go have a look, anyone can watch with no sign up required, it’s like Twitch for sex shows.
I’m sure it’s in the TOS that you’re not allowed to make a recording (except when it’s an explicit feature when you’re doing a “private show”… ETA: it’s actually not in there), but they must have been aware that cam shows get recorded, these videos are all over the tube sites and have been for a while. Like, I have no knowledge that anyone did keep a video of me and upload it somewhere, but I know anyone might have done so just as easily as if they took a photo of me walking on a sidewalk.
“: Yes. Good. Nibbling the earlobe, uhh, kneading the buttocks, and so on and so forth. So, we have all these possibilities before we stampede towards the clitoris, Watson.”
The “intent to harass intimidate or coerce” are all there, but I’m no lawyer…
Think of chaturbate like a self-destructing snapchat to a group of people: it is supposed to only be visible for a moment in time, and only by the people who were known to be logged in at the time the content was distributed.
There are well known technological means of piercing this privacy, but that is a violation of the spirit with which the content creator offered it.
It also likely violates copyright law, TOS, and revenge porn laws.
Another analogy: doxxing. Personal info like name, address, and phone is never hidden to everyone; much is available from public records if you know where to look. But we have widespread agreement that doxxing is morally and socially unacceptable.
The only sex that Republicans approve of is the sex that they themselves are having. They probably even disapprove of the person that they are having sex with. And everyone else can’t even go fuck themselves because self love is also unapproved unless (again) they themselves are doing it.
The Republicans fucked up bigtime here:
- Any couple which is willing to broadcast their marital acts on Chaturbate aren’t capable of being shamed in public or politics
- They just gave her campaign a major Streisand Effect and provided publicity and support she would not have otherwise.
- If the GOP can’t be shamed when their members commit felonies, act like raging Karens, and embrace neo-nazis in public, consensual marital relations are not even close to offensive in the great scheme of things.
- The VA GOP opened themselves up to lawsuits that will drain campaign coffers and bring more publicity for her campaign.