Ooh, dark. Love it. I feel like this is a Black Mirror episode waiting to happen.
Oh lord, I can only imagine after awhile it would start to heckle people walking by.
Did you ever see the movie Branded?
It got mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. It play’s with this idea of consuming products and also being consumed by them. It’s a bit strange and surreal which is what I gravitate towards but I get that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
I’m not a fan of promo/branded stuff that isn’t useful. At least pens can be given out with ease and if its a genuinely good pen then i’m for sure using/keeping that bad boy, but stuff like free usb sticks or car chargers are junk i dont want to use or give away.
At my work the thing they tend to give out the most is tote bags, they’re not the best thing ever but at least they’re useful enough to replace grocery bags and the like.
Even worse, the office I worked at was only one of their smaller satellite branches; I can’t begin to fathom what the needless waste at the NYC or LA office looks like.
To this very day, I have a slew of sturdy umbrellas and tote bags that are branded with magazine names like Parade, Traveller, GQ…
Needless to say, during ‘my watch’, anything that was actually useful got “redistributed” or donated, rather than thrown into the garbage.
I did what I could; ‘waste not, want not.’
[Insert Raider’s of the Lost Ark warehouse gif]
You got the Gif-fu/Image-fu master rank.
I’m workin’ on it.
thememema for short
Say that, 5 times fast.
I seens those but i’m thinking of what it’d take to do this across different fruit/veggie types. Probably not hard but i wouldn’t know one way or another.
Can we mount the lasers on a shark tho?
The what you say?