Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/05/30/hotwheels-xylophone.html
I think that we’re picking up a bit of hiss and pop from the track.
I now expect a years long quest to realize this repeatably through over-engineering:
With bars hanging from one end it seems more like a semantron than xylophone.
This could benefit from better microphone placement, the sounds of the cars could make the composition more interesting if it was quieter. Still thought this was quite cool.
This definitely brought a smile to my face on a hectic day. I was initially thinking it was some super elaborate computer controlled release mechanism and was (briefly) sad that it was edited. But - it was edited well and still is an amazing and whimsical video
It seems like he would need to have a far more complicated machine to release the cars at the right times. We’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg here!
I was going to say glockenspeil.
Not much more complicated than late 19th century tech. Similar to the holes in a player piano scroll, you could line up/space out (a ton of) cars in the appropriate pattern and feed them to the tracks. I made something similar to make a 12-channel spatial speaker array for an architecture school project. Chassis of a belt sander, a long scroll with a ton of methodically places holes cut out to let the speaker leads connect or not. Super low tech but it lead to real 5.1 mixing a few years later. Mechanical solutions to random things like this (or ‘old Time’ in-camera movie effects) are so much more fun than the admittedly easier but not as soul-satisfying digital solution.
The difficulty would be the ~1.5 second delay between pressing the key and the sound. And now I’m picturing a hot-wheels Linotype, which would assemble rows of cars with letters written onto the rooves. (roofs?)
it would’ve been difficult to film otherwise
OK GO laughs at your difficulties.
This cheered me up immensely.
Nice little tune
What’s the deal?
“Hotwheels Xylophone” is a decent band name =).
Definitely not any xylon around. Idiophone is definitely correct, as should be metallophone.
Now, can I get my pedant’s badge?
Came for the pedantry. Leaving satisfied. I’ll do my part by saying that the German word “spiel” (“play”) has a long-e sound, and is therefore spelled as I do here, and that the glockenspiel is the portable, wearable, marching version. I would have said “bells”; I think @LutherBlisset covered it definitively.
Hell’s bells, I lost my pedant’s pedant badge over the -spiel / -speil issue, didn’t I?
retreating to Oscar Meyer Wienermobile topic to wein about it
There, there…