Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/25/how-a-first-time-composers-chilling-score-made-poor-things-unforgettable.html
Fantastic film. I saw it last week and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
This score is BONKERS. Absolutely wild. 2023 was a great year in film, and the score of Poor Things was one of the highlights. I wouldn’t call it “chilling” though. It’s almost cartoonish. Looney Tunes. I wouldn’t have been surprised to hear a rimshot after a joke. And the movie has many, many jokes.
It was via hearing Fendrix’s pop album, apparently:
“I just listened to Jerskin’s first album and I can’t even describe what it is,” Lanthimos said in a statement. “But there was something in it that just felt so right about it.”
I’ll have a listen to this. I didn’t know they had a commissioned score for it and assumed it was a bunch of vintage(ish) electroacoustic/concrete music that I didn’t know. Which wouldn’t be hard as I don’t know most of it.
I loved Micah Levi’s music for under the skin (and I think that the metonymous use of the word “score” misses the point with her music. I have the score in work. It’s essentially a bunch of whole notes with long sustain lines!) and Zone of Interest is amazing. Only she uses one jarring noise in it which sounds like the Sardukar (or is it the Guild Navigators?) from Dune and it took me out of the film a bit.
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