Because a good third of Americans are wilfully ignorant, and proud of it?
Nobody’s immune from that though. One of the things COVID has taught me is that if something confirms your biases, you should be MORE skeptical to counteract that confirmation bias. The things many of my extremely left leaning friends believe are dangerous, and they don’t even question it because it lines up with their biases.
Funny, what it’s taught me is that, if you have the training to be able to read original sources and assess whether research is valid and relevant, then do so. If you don’t, then listen to the experts who do. Follow the evidence or experts based on your own ability to do so. Telling people to avoid confirmation bias shows a distinct misunderstanding of what confirmation bias is. More skepticism is the disease, not the cure.
As @anon73430903 likes to remind us, deferring to the authority of expertise matters…
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