How anime avatars became a warning

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#How this topic became an anime discussion


Aang is the ultimate anime avatarā€¦because how meta to use THE AVATAR as your anime avatar.


Where is the love for innocence coming from? I was bored watching that movie.


The deep and abiding, introspective and enlightening treatise on the nature of existence?

The awesome design and animation?



I liked the part where Batou shoots up the Yakuza. I also really enjoyed Harawayā€™s diatribe.


Hooray for bandwagoning!


Now I know what all those avatars are a warning ofā€¦


I would love to see the continuing adventures of those two loveable rascals and their angel friend. :smiley:

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Call me a masochist, but Iā€™d love to see a long form version of the music video that ends at the same place, in the same way.

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I could get behind that too. :smiley:

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Luckily Animaniacs isnā€™t anime.

Though maybe I lose some credibility for it being an OC.


I might, MIGHT try watching it again. Just so Iā€™m sure it sucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

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What a great list man.

I gotta really second you on Battle Angel Alita. Especially the original OVA. It was fantastic. You get awesome fighting cyborgs, scrapping out on the mean streets of a cyberpunk dystopia, and it punches you right in the feelz so hard too.


They didnā€™t ā€œruinā€ it (wellā€¦ Yeah, they did, but:) they just ran the audio track through an Aphex Exciter unit to try and get some semblance of a high-end. Because they used too slow of a tape speed on the original cut which makes the high end mushy. But just running it through an exciter, or a frequency doubling dealie, just makes it sound like everyoneā€™s eating foil-covered popcorn.


What about my non-generic cyborg girl whoā€™s too cool for school, and whoā€™s doe-eyes are red?



I agree, Alita is definitely one of the most powerful Anime in the punching in the feels department, in addition to the hugely interesting world it plays in. What happened to that cyberphisician really got to me when I first watched it.

I forgot to mention another very good film: Jin Roh, from the makers of Ghost In The Shell and Patlabor. They also did Sky Crawlers in 2008, which is worth seeing, too.

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Yup. I have a story about Jin-Roh.

I spent literally years looking for a copy of it online. Eventually, I came before the community at Demonoid and asked for help. Eventually someone there got ahold of a VHS transfer with no subtitles. It took me several days to download it, since everyone wanted a piece of the action, so we all got like 2KiB per second.

In the end, Iā€™m embarrassed to say, Iā€™ve never seen Jin-Roh all the way through.

Sky Crawlers is great too. I saw that one the day it was released on DVD. I got to go all squee over the different planes. Most of them are based on actual planes from WWII. Although the Teacherā€™s is a frankenplane with bits and pieces from lots of stuff. Also the flying they do (especially the Teacher) is ratherā€¦ G-Loady to the point where it doesnā€™t seem survivable. But itā€™s anime. I can give them a pass for valuing cool over considering that a lot of the maneuvers would tear the wings off a plane.

ETA: Maybe Iā€™ve been watching too much War Thunder simbattles. It turns out the signature move of the Teacher is the Cobra Maneuver (also called Pugachevā€™s Cobra). And itā€™s possible to do in a prop plane at certain speeds, but is very difficult. Iā€™ve just seen it attempted a million times in various flight sims, and it usually tears the wings off the plane. But apparently it works in real life when done right.


Iā€™m thoroughly enjoying the idea behind ā€œI posted an anime image. Thatā€™ll keep him up at night, ha!ā€

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I was more fortunate when I got into Anime as there was the great BoxTorrents (now called BakaBT) and the THORAnime project was quite far in its progress. So when they released Jin Roh in 2008 ā…  could immediately watch it in pristine 1080p! Well worth it.

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