How Birth Control Can Help Us Reimagine The Future

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While RuPaul and I are both “Persons with Sperm” , the label is pretty offensive.

Cum containers?

(Or conveyors…)

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In this context, about reproduction, it’s not remotely so. There are trans men who can carry babies, and trans women who can produce sperm, [ETA] but they are men and women respectively. They are trying to be as inclusive as possible on this issue, in fact.

In other contexts, yes, you might have a point there.


I was hoping for the ‘yes we are having an attack helicopter’/‘I crowdsourced a vertical farm in a kinda personal way’/‘my baby tracker says my fetus is the size of BART and I should start weaning it off LH2’/‘I am adapting my sperm for Ganymede Varietals’ take, but these are the cardboard skate ramps that bring on a kind of competence. Whereas I merely set my ringtone to ‘fight the machine’ from (top bunch) and my phone alarms don’t anymore (an ex-REVVLer, I.)




Please no Axlotl tanks. Thanks.


One of the interesting aspects of Ann Leckie’s Ancillary series is that it posits a futuristic society in which nobody really pays much mind to biological sex (everyone in the Radchaai culture uses female pronouns), in part because advances in reproductive medicine have made such factors largely irrelevant.

“I used to wonder how Radchaai reproduced, if they were all the same gender.”
“They’re not. And they reproduce like anyone else.” Strigan raised one skeptical eyebrow. “They go to the medic,” I continued, “and have their contraceptive implants deactivated. Or they use a tank. Or they have surgery so they can carry a pregnancy. Or they hire someone to carry it.”
None of it was very different from what any other kind of people did, but Strigan seemed slightly scandalized. “You’re certainly Radchaai.”


Presumably in order to have any hope at all of conducting an ethical study on a new form of birth control, the participants and their partners all need to already at least be okay with the possibility it may be ineffective, no? Adding placebos increases those odds, I get that, but the risk does unavoidably already exist.

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