How defunding Planned Parenthood killed Star Wars' Old Republic

Oh, I see; you were referring to actual production quality, rather than just its existence.

Good point.


Apprently. there’s several!

(Link is mostly SFW)


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The 34 rules in the professional arena as well. Are you aware of the surrealist masterpiece Edward Penishands?

(imdb link, mostly sfw)


I actually watched a small portion of that. (As research for a paper on Edward Scissorhands. No really, honestly!) The scene where Edward tries to eat spaghetti was more disturbing than the sex scene.


I was overcome with curiosity so I googled the spaghetti scene.

I feel like I’ve seen much of the worst of what the internet can offer in the form of shock media, yet I was not prepared for that.


Well, my work here is done.


I’m not trolling, The point of the article is an exaggeration. The entire article can be completely made irrelevant with the arguement that its the fault of the Force. That thing about Yoda being clouded and blocked. . .that’s an actual thing in the Star Wars universe, you see Kenobi use it both in III & IV
" These are not the droids you’re looking for"
"You don’t want to sell me death sticks"
Palpatine could have been manipulating Padmé’s mind the entire time, he knew they were married and no one even told him, how he found out is another plot hole, and i didn’t bother mentioning mind manipulation because I’d be giving Lucas too much credit lol

As for writting, Episode I & II are horrible, 30 mintues goes into the pod race and you know Anakin is going to win anyway, you don’t see a proper falling in love of Anakin & Padmé, etc.

As for the novels i told you about, those are still written by New York Best Selling authors, if the story is good the story is good regardless of who the audience is, just because something is made for an adult audience doesn’t automatically make it better. The Prequels have a lot of EU content, General Grievous comes from EU, Anakin’s face scar is from EU, the naming of Coruscant, the SW language, forms of transportation + robots + other Jedi, etc.

-TO EVERYONE ELSE- To support Planned Parenthood & easier access to medical care for women is fine, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but if a professional writer is going to say

“Had the government not defund women’s medical care, it wouldn’t have turned into a dictatorship.”*
Well that’s just absurd, it is even said in the movie that Palpatine kept getting more and more emergency powers (the Executive Order if you will)
The writer is going on False Cause. It went into a dictatorship because the supporting branches of government redirected their ability to legislate to a single branch.
A real example was when Hitler already German Chancellor was elected to the German Presidency and merging the Executive office with a Legislative office, its like if Speaker Paul Ryan also became President (there wasn’t a single good candidate to be seen this election cycle :weary:) The author of the article actually has knowledge in law and the fact that she blames lack of healthcare rather than a growing centralized authority is the reason why its absurd

(Even if Anakin had stayed at the temple like he was told to do so Palpatine would have out matched Windu, he was full of shit when he said he was too weak (he bested Yoda after all) and then he would have called Order 66, Windu simply didn’t trust Anakin, its all plot people, all of it)

That’s why this article bothers me.
It is a fictional story, and there’s a plot hole, and that plot hole is being used to support something much more important in real life and is being misused as a political tool. Since healthcare in general is being used as a means to be elected or unelected.

That plot hole is there out of convenience to progress the story, and not to give the audience the understanding that if women don’t have access to healthcare within their country then that country will fall into dictatorship. It’s truly an exaggeration. I mean, Padmé is a “federal” employee she simply had to have access to it. We can also bring up the fact that they needed marriage counselling which they didn’t take, or how Anakin needed therapy for his own depression. The story requires to be void of medical services because it needs it for story progression.

That is why defending the fictional account of a woman not going to the hospital is so much more practical, because its all fake, it didn’t happen, we know it didn’t happen & because of its “magical” elements there’s always going to be some justification. (No matter how illogical it is in reality, because it isn’t based on reality)

I’m afraid I don’t care as much as you clearly do.


You weren’t the one being opposed by multiple people.


The hell you say!


It’s an obvious plot hole, & the author goes on to link it to the formation of a dictatorship through medical care defunding. When it’s clearly the inability of both the Senate to work things out (as stated in that epic waterfall scene in II) & the Jedi to react faster, if they knew he was suspicious they should have been spying on the guy.

Star Wars is one obvious plot hole after another, all connected by unspeakable dialog.


I’ve been saying that from the beginning, if anything the meme is for you

Sick burn, bro!


That’s not even what i was going for :confused:

You’re missing that you’re the only one so into correcting people on minutiae of the Star Wars universe that you’ll write screen long missives about it.

Yes, folks are driving trollies you because you’re so dang earnest about it too. It’s just a set of five movies.


It’s just a set of five three movies.


The internet can use more earnesty

It doesn’t excuse that fact that the author is a Harvard graduate, using strawman & false cause, to support an idea that should be grounded in reality, and not what happened in some fictional account.