How did smugglers put bags of pills inside onions?

Finally a use for onions that doesn’t make me gag.

you’re using them wrong


There is meat glue on the market, so maybe there is an onion glue?


I read on another website that this happened in Saudi Arabia (they have the same video). I doubt that the authorities would give details on how to get the pills inside the onion and without being able to see the onion in person, it is a puzzle.
From what I see, the smugglers cut a bit of the top of the onion off (the sprout end) and hollowed it out and then stuffed the pills in. On the last onion you can even see the plastic baggie sticking out of the onion before its cut.
Throw a few “stuffed onions” in a bag of normal onions, fill the crate with similar bags and off you go.
That’s my take on it, anyway.

Yes, teleport! Drug onions from the future!

Next month’s article: “People can’t get enough of this salsa, and you won’t believe the reason why!”


Superglue was invented (at least used for) closing battle wounds. My take: cut onion in half, remove cavity, stuff with drugs, glue back together. Added bonus for reattaching dry outer layers the same way.

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That sounds very very sad indeed.

Three letters - GMO.

Now I know why Grandpa tied an onion to his belt.


If I plant starter sets, can I go on and put a bunch of pills in a bag whose outer is a rooting compound or e.g. vinegar gel? Maybe the bulb won’t jump out of the ground and have the top fall over at the same time, then? Just regular Wonka flavors…

How they did it is a mystery. But I’m sure they were wearing eye protection while they stuffed the onions with pills.

Have you tried cutting them into smaller pieces before eating?

I feel like you over-value onions and under-value drugs in your math.

I thought it was the style in them days!?

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