Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/14/i-use-tiny-ice-cream-cones-to-hide-pills-from-my-dog.html
A lot of pet medicines these days are available in a flavored, chewable form. Not all, but many. If you have an especially pill-averse pooch, see if the medicine comes in a chewable version. The chewable ones often include liver or liver flavoring, and my dogs love them. I’m lucky, really. Both of my dogs will let me just shove the pills down their throat. Not that they’re happy about it, but they’ll let me do it. So if the chewable isn’t available, I’m still ok.
Is there a human version of this where you can hide the bitter pill that a lot of life failings are probably due to one’s own actions? Asking for a friend, who would eat any cone filled with pistachio ice-cream.
Ah, the magic of peanut butter. My dog like cones ok. But peanut butter rocks his world.
Yeah, I have mostly pilled my pets manually. I got most accustomed to doing it to my medium-sized (35 pound / 16 kg) mutt. When I tried doing it with my current large (95 pound / 43 kg) mastiff-mix, it went fine, but, there was so. much. mouth!
I’ve had pretty good luck with wrapping pills in cream cheese; it seals pretty well and it gets so slippery in their slobbery mouths that it just slips on down.
Not that my pups are opposed to peanut butter, quite the opposite; it is just too sticky so they work it around and find the pill too often.
I don’t know about this kind of thing (although you could diy it with a box of sugar cones and a couple knives) but I’ve been known to resort to shoving a pill inside a gummy bear when it’s truly too repugnant to take. Actually it might have been half a gummy bear but yeah.
My dogs will eat anything rolled in a little big of bacon grease.
I suspect the cone is merely an edible vehicle for the peanut butter.
Too bad cats won’t do this. I can’t get mine to eat a gabapentin pill before the vet no matter what I try. Have to force it
Me too. I just was amused that the headline didn’t mention the Secret Ingredient.
I use the medicine cabinet to hide pills from my dog.
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