UPDATED! How do you pass the most unpopular measure in European history? With the most undemocratic dirty trick in EU history: stop the #Article13 vote from being moved ahead of day of protest!

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/04/march-23-march.html


Half expected to see this very news item for the picture in this Wikipedia entry.

Ye gods.


This is an outragous act of cowardice.
They actually believe they can silence any protest by putting facts in front of us! Because they know that if tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands will protest it all over the EU, the law will probably not be voted for. Mark my words. Weber, Voss and Co will be rememberd by future generations as gravediggers of liberty, if that law happens that is.

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Another reason why Britain is better off out of this unaccountable cesspool, that spends 100 million E annually just to commute headquarters between Brussels and Strausberg every month.

It’s starting to feel like this new century are the twilight years for democracy. One step forward, two steps back to the 19th century.


I never thought the day would come but I might just make a fucking twitter account.

The times are dire.


Okay, update:
According to the twitter of Tiemo Wölken, an SPD MEP, its technically not possible to move the vote. Also acording to Julia Reda, MEP for the Pirate Party the EPP denies now that they wanted to move the vote.
Sauce: https://twitter.com/woelken and https://twitter.com/Senficon


Cory, a copyedit note: the colon in your headline made me think that “Stop the #Article13 Vote” was the definition of said dirty trick. A full stop or at least a semicolon might be better.
Like this:

How do you pass the most unpopular measure in European history? With the most undemocratic dirty trick in EU history. Stop the #Article13 vote from being moved ahead of day of protest!

Or you could steal the Tom Wolfe trick of using colons as limelight:::


I was looking at this article:

and got thinking about the 99,5% accuracy figure. That basically means that one in every 200 tweets or facebook status updates or other text posted on the internet will get falsely flagged. How can anyone be in favor of this?

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You may want to update the article again


So many brexiteers seem to be under this delusion that immediately after our departure from the EU the UK will be placed in a pocket universe where no batshit crazy legislation like this can touch us. Not only will this absolutely affect us detrimentally when doing any sort of business with the EU but the UK will have zero say over this and future batshit crazy legislation. Of course, not to mention an estimated 3-4% drop in the economy with a deal and an estimated 9-10% drop in the economy without one, but let’s not let facts get in the way of ruddy-faced brexiteer outrage!

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