How Memphis's Methodist University Hospital, a "nonprofit," sued the shit out of its Black, poor patients while raking in millions and paying execs more than a million each

Hmm. Tennessee, check. Christian, check. Hospital, check. You’re good to go then! Of course, you can’t merely let these people die, you wouldn’t get paid then, would you?

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If you’d been raised Christian, you wouldn’t have a simian avatar today.

You made the right choice.

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Post the prices and then require the patients to pre-pay or apply for a loan. If they apply for the loan, they can then wait for approval, review the terms, and then sign up.

That would work for some, but most uninsured use the Emergency Room as primary care. It would take a lot of work to get people to prearrange medical treatment. And I’m guessing many wouldn’t get approved for a loan.

Not much choice involved in my Mom’s choice of religions…

And excuse me, that’s an old picture yes, but I’m proud of my college ID photo!
(how dare you)


Can we just put that on billboards all through the bible belt? Not that bit would have any effect, but calling out hypocrisy is always worth it.


Tough to do mid-cardiac arrest or while trying to keep a partially severed limb from completing the job, but yes, for elective procedures that could work.

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