How much caffeine and alcohol should we (or shouldn't we) be drinking?

I can never remember…


I sincerely hope not. Or at least that you don’t have a doctor like mine who found it hilarious that I had a kidney stone in my early thirties.

Note to self: if your doctor finds it hilarious that you have a condition that wakes you up with excruciating pain get a new doctor.


Bingo. I didn’t even think about how this would read to folks not from the south.

My NY Cousin: “Do you want a Coke?”
Me: “That’d be great. Do you have Dr. Pepper?”
Cousin: “. . .”


As @SpunkyTWS said I hope not. That was the worst 2 and half days of my life. The ER was the only time I had the pain go away with whatever opiate they gave me via IV drip that made the pain go away. It wasn’t big enough for them to ultra sound so I got sent home with a prescription for Vicodin and some other thing for the nausea and a ‘yep this will suck for 48 hours or so from the doctor’. The anti-nausea drug was great, the Vicodin meh. It let me sleep but didn’t do much for the pain and at the end of it didn’t do much for whee I am so high I don’t care about the pain either.

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I’ve been putting ground cardamom and/or cinnamon in my coffee and I don’t miss the sugar (much). (That’s green cardamom – I tried it with black cardamom, but it gave me heart palpitations and the flavor was more like smoked meat)

since I have milk in my coffee, I find that the milk, or the lactose? is already kind of sweet.
I think the interesting thing is that one can gradually reduce either sugar or salt intake and get accustomed to it. So now watching someone put three teaspoons of sugar in their tea or coffee is enough to put me off.

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Oh man that would be like syrup to me. One tsp is enough anymore for me if I bother. On the other hand Thai/Vietnamese iced coffee is tasty tasty tasty to me on a hot day.

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Four or five for me. Nom!

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