Originally published at: How RentAHitman.com went from a legitimate business venture to a weird honeypot | Boing Boing
While you surf this site How RentAHitman.com, maybe hit this one up as a plan B, RentALawyer.com.
That site is totally whack.
If you have to go online to look for a professional assassin, you should not be going online looking for a professional assassin…
I wouldn’t be surprised if turns out vengeful individuals are making some of the requests for “hits” knowing full well it’s not a real hitman site, but doing so anyway, working under the assumption law enforcement would be obligated to inform the target of the inquiry.kind of dark sorry, but I do wonder. flag or ask me to remove it if you feel this shouldn’t be posted as it might give someone ideas.
So this is what sent Ben Solo on his path to the Dark Side!
? did I miss the part about it being a legitimate business venture?
It was going to be a network security company’s web site, but the owner of it never really went through with it and it panned out. I can see pen testing teams (or red team testing, or physical security testing, etc.) as ‘hits’ though, so I could imagine that at some level of humor of hiring a ‘hitman’ for infosec testing…
Maybe he was thinking of being a DJ who played all the latest hits?
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