How Star Wars fans felt about “The Phantom Menace” after seeing it for the first time

I am not even much of a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy, but THX-1138 I think is one of the best sci-fi movies of its time. His SW idea of (to paraphrase) “a throwback to the goofy sci-fi adventure serials of the early 20th century” was ill-conceived. I like those old serials, and I love the great sci-fi of the 1970s, but we could have done without the regression.

Oh, they know what the fans want. My guess is that they don’t want to tread those waters as the hype train is chugging along towards Episode VII. Possibly when the blu-ray of VII comes out, the ‘original’ trilogy will reappear.

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Wait but then how…

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But that has nothing to do with the previous films. They were about man’s personal relationship with faith and belief. That was just an alien movie.

I mean, how do you waste Karen Allen like that?

Yeah, well the Force used to be about faith and magic and whatnot until they decided it was just a byproduct of special alien bacteria that live in certain people’s blood streams.


My Little Midichlorians: Symbiosis is Magic!


Excellent point counselor, but I believe we are both of the opinion these are terrible ideas to begin with.

If I may explore a different topic, if midichlorians are a blood-borne bacteria, is the Force transferable via blood, and, corollary: is the Force something that can be cured?

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That changes the context of Anakin’s origin story a bit. His mother was exposed to an STD (Spacer Transmitted Disease) and didn’t have access to a Planet Parenthood clinic.


Well, of course! The Hutts are hermaphroditic self-fertilizers, of course they want to save a buck and defund planet parenthood facilities on tatooine. And what with the Sand people and the Jawas attacking, it’s hard to believe there are any planet parenthood facilities on Tatooine at all.

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“Midiclorians” are mitochondria. Lucas simply can’t spell, on top of his other problems.

another example: there is only one p in palatine


What I mean is, the alien bacteria that live in our cells and generate life energy, those are real. He didn’t make them up, he took something that actually exists and incorporated it in a really awkward and unsatisfying way.


No, it’s just street slang for Heroin.


Sorry for the OT,

But I love that house jam in that video. Very well done, definitely qualifies as “ill”, at least from a technical standpoint.


It was the only time I ever yelled at the screen on a theatre


Or, and this is more likely, you can’t trademark a word that exists if you’re trying to make an action figure.


Yes! Let the hate flow though you!


At least Star Trek fans had a couple of advantages. They hadn’t been waiting sixteen years for something new and Star Trek films had already ranged from awesome to mediocre.

Arguably so had Star Wars films, but what I’m getting at is that anyone who remembered Star Trek: The Motion Picture didn’t have high hopes for Generations.


My son has just gotten into the Lego Star Wars animated show (Yoda Chronicles, Droid tales)… And they poke a lot of fun at ridiculous plot holey stuff like this. I’ve never watched it before, but I go in and out when my son is watching it and saw this scene the other day (up until about 8:17):

And come on, how could you guys not have liked Episode 2? It gave us gems like this:

“You’re not sand”, even though it’s not a direct quote, has become a stand-in quote among my peer group to represent any awful romantic scenes in a movie.


Easy, there, gramps, this mom will be there. Like some kind of demented torture, I will see these movies in the theatre as I’ve seen the other 6. I will begin Episode 7 with the mantra “please don’t suck, please don’t suck, please don’t suck…” My son is quite excited to go see Episode 7, but he’s not a teenager, he’s 6.5. Star Wars is very popular with the young kids because market saturation.

Sometimes I feel like I was the only person who walked out of Episode I with a visceral hate of Jar Jar, the pod race and that little twerp, Anakin. Don’t get me started on the fucking midichlorians.


Hey, I liked Generations. And Insurrection, for that matter. Some people actually liked Star Trek. Not everybody was secretly wishing it was more like Aliens or Starship Troopers.

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