Originally published at: How Tarantino uses food to give a scene flavor | Boing Boing
I just read a few days ago about how Tarantino saved a few boxes of Fruit Brute when they discontinued it just so he could have people eat it in his movies.
MMmmmmm. Thirty year old cereal.
In a similar way cigarettes, cigars, pipes and smoking seems to be very present in Tarantino’s films. Like food is more than alimentary, I kinda love the elevation of the everyday into cinematic story telling.
Scorsese uses food in Good fellas in a similar way, probably one of my favorite food films… the psychotic final scene around the meatball sauce will trigger the anxiety in many cooking folk!
Now I want a big kahuna burger
“It smells, and tastes like bare feet.”
I hear it is a tasty burger.
You’ll want a beverage to wash that down
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