How the GOP got hijiacked by Trump’s Troll Party

Context is probably important to both your statement and my reply, of course. You’re comparing apples to oranges, here. Of course that’s horrible.

Why is it apples and oranges?

Please explain. I fail to see how one is more justifiable than the other in context, particularly when one involves assassination of citizen minors, without a trial.

My point is that objectively, Obama’s assassination of citizen minors without a trial is worse than the whole of Watergate. It is more “legal”, now, since 2013. But that is the worst part: Nixon, shit bag though he was, never managed to legalize his sins.

Feel free to give it all the context you like. I am interested to hear your justification.

What’s full socialism?

Anyhoo, I think @awjt was referring to Sanders beating the Republican candidate after defeating Hillary in the primaries. Trump will make that process easier as Sanders will win against Trump in a landslide.

Well I actually want Trump to win the whole thing now. I’ve changed sides.

errrh… LOL, no, emphatically.

And wtf is “Full Socialism”? Like that’s a bad thing? Full Socialism would be welcome. It wouldn’t stifle creativity and entrepreneurship. A good implementation of Full Socialism would actually encourage creativity and entrepreneurship because the state would be backing the little guys and trying to help them succeed, unlike how it is now with a disproportionately heavy load placed on small and medium businesses; while the larger a corporation gets, the more likely it is to receive unbelievable tax shelters and government blowjobs.

Here’s an example of that undue burden on the small players: the ACA health care laws, which I hate referring to as Obamacare, because calling it Obamacare is a pejorative, just like saying, “the Democrat party.” (There is no such thing as “the Democrat party.” That’s a pejorative. A Democrat comes from the Democratic party, fwiw.)

Back to the matter at hand: as much as I am for it, the ACA also places an undue burden on small to medium businesses to subsidize the health benefits of their employees. Yes, they should be offering health coverage. That’s a given. But the cost of health premiums is currently so high right now, despite heavier regulation, that small to medium sized businesses that suddenly must pay more are becoming more at risk of bankruptcy. Which means fewer jobs, which means no health care coverage for those people. Or more expensive health care for them if they opt for Cobra or “Obamacare” while they are looking for work. Of course there was the whole dust-up about exemptions. But the ACA initiated a chain-effect that places the burden on the small players and employees, rather than where the money is.

Laws like the ACA should never even have to be on the books.

With a single-payer health care system, i.e. a rational, basic level of health, dental and vision care available to all comers, no special rules would need to be applied. We’d pay for it out of our taxes as we do for fire and police and everything else govvy.

Is that Full Socialism?




I support Donald Trump. This isn’t me saying I agree with him. I want the egotistical buffoon to win expressly because i want the systems flaws to be drug kicking and screaming into the open. I want someone so hateful and bigoted and OPEN about it elected that I want us to wonder how.

In short the house needs to be burned down and the rubble cleared if we are to have any canse of fixing things. The system needs to be dialed up to 20 so the common person can see that neither party has any answers and are full of selfish idiots out for themselves and short term gains rather than long term good of the nation.

It will be hard. It will hurt. I do not want people to suffer, but suffer we must either by revolution or other means if we are to be moved out of apathy into action. The Rich must be made to see and feel the same fear everyone else does. To see a system they cannot control anymore. Only then when everyone realizes all it takes is one crazy at the wheel in spite of a congress that will do everything to deadlock him, or goes along with because same party but opposes loudly whenever a mic is aimed his way…

My fear is we end up being drug kicking and screaming down paths Russia, Germany, Italy, and other nations have when a ‘president’ gets elected mostly on charisma and the promise of shaking the house apart and just… snowballs into hell. I want the system fixed, but not at that kind of price.

I feel ya. But I’d rather just cut straight to the reforms. Skip all the middle drama. Elect Bernie, to head that direction.


Let’s see here (and thanks for that link!):

The Government of the United States has a clear consciousness that its policy neither is nor could be reactionary, but at the same time it adheres to the course which it adopted at the beginning, of abstaining everywhere from propagandism and unlawful intervention. It strives to do equal and exact justice to all states and to all men and it relies upon the beneficial results of that effort for support at home and for respect and good will throughout the world.

Yeah, I don’t see that statement even making it to a subcommittee before getting ripsawed by some GOP flunky in the bowels of [Russell, Rayburn, etc.].

Which is onstage now more than ever given that the debates and news bits now are more focused on separating the candidates by their policy decisions/beliefs, and their handle on the details of the situation at hand. Trump is clearly out of his depth, especially at the last debate. He harumphs and goads and hams it up for the cameras, but it’s all a bluff–he’s gonna hire people to do this or consult experts, but he doesn’t know the particulars in the least. In addition, in answering a question on social security he’ll wind up talking about Bush’s policy in Iraq because he can’t sustain more than one or two bully-ish comments on one topic before he’s exhausted his interest and needs to move on.

Frankly, I’d almost rather go back to the days of the Hearsts and Rockefellers–at least they had class when stepping on the faces of the little people.

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[quote=“singletona082, post:46, topic:65766”]
In short the house needs to be burned down and the rubble cleared if we are to have any canse of fixing things. [/quote]

Or, you could skip all the burned rubble, support Bernie Sanders and work to change things in a realistic manner. Just saying’

[quote=“singletona082, post:46, topic:65766”]
It will be hard. It will hurt. I do not want people to suffer, but suffer we must either by revolution or other means if we are to be moved out of apathy into action
[/quote]Don’t be fooled, the only people that will truly suffer with poor choices like Trump, etc. will be the poor. The rich and powerful will be just fine. If you want to see a revolution where the poor are uplifted and the rich finally pay their due, support Bernie (before and after he’s elected)


Trump’s constant drumbeat that Obama is a Muslim is extremely offensive. It’s like telling your Jewish friend, “You’re a Baptist. You must be. You look like one and talk like one.” How utterly offensive and evil is that? Fuck you, Trump. You’re an asshole.


You’re living in a dreamworld if you think the rich can’t get richer under a Trump.

Everyone who says “we get what ‘we’ deserve” is obviously putting an undue world of hurt on the underclass. And leaving the top earners unaffected.


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