How the left-wing party establishment tries to discredit candidates like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders

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Sadly, the tyranny of orthodoxy is not a thing that is restricted to “conservatives” :frowning:

Edit to add: also, it’s scary as hell to note the truth of the assertion that “the political center has moved to the right of Richard Nixon.”


The article is spot on.

I’ve watched the media/political status-quo here in the UK go through the whole point 1-7 spectrum since Corbyn became an option to vote for in the labour leadership election.

Currently they flit between option 6-7 in waves. If you click through the link to the original article it considers the potential of option 8: Outright mutiny (as evidenced by UK army official comments on record) which is both terrifying and sadly a potential outcome.

The status-quo is utterly terrified that politics may move back to centre-ground from the rightwing wilderness in which it currently resides.


Somehow this post made it gel for me:

There is almost compete bipartisan consensus on Washington, just not in public.


Watching the circus from the outside, it’s inconceivable to me how a neoliberal like Clinton can be considered a “left-wing” candidate even though I know that’s the main ideology of the Democratic party for some time now. That’s why I wish Sanders could win the elections, at least he’d help redefine the american idea of “left”. Where I’m from, Hillary would be on the “center-right” part of the spectrum, maybe that’s why there’s an arrow pointing to that direction in her campaign logo.


That’s the point of this agreement between the establishment parties - moving “the centre” way to the right.


Indeedy, as demonstrated in this graph:


It’s incredible just how much the parties have shifted in a few decades.


The consensus of the rich and powerful is that they like being rich and powerful.

The awesomeness of democracy is that it can, occasionally, challenge that - when the down and out think that the rich and powerful could use a shakeup, and vote according to those issues.

For me, the hilarious thing is how much Sanders is the anti-Trump. Like, the choice between the two is more stark and true than it is in most elections. That old saw of “all candidates are the same” will not be something you can easily trot out in 2016 if those two get the nomination.


And if they do, watch the establishment swing to support a Bloomberg independent run.


Er no, as evidenced by an unofficial, off the record, comment by one commander, that was officialy condemned by the UK army and by politicians from across the board.

And with similar (lack of) ethics.

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Although Nixon wasn’t particularly right-wing, even by the more leftist center of the times. Obviously he gets a bad rep for Watergate and for thinking Vietnam could be still won rather than pulling out, but the EPA was created at his request at a time when environmental concerns were viewed as hippie idealism. And he extended Medicare to include coverage to non-elderly disabled people. And of course, the whole “Nixon goes to China” thing, although that was at least in part simple Realpolitik. I think the real problem is that the centerpoint of the right is probably to the right of Ronald Reagan these days.


In the US, “mutiny” may occur in a return to the bad old ways, of selection by back room negotiation that disregards votes by delegates. I can just see Sanders getting more delegates, but then somehow not ending up the nominee. Supposedly that doesn’t happen anymore, but I can see the practice returning if the establishment doesn’t get its way.

Edit: moved comma

Just hypothetically, I’d imagine the reaction would be a little more suave.

Trump’s all naked ego and greed, and the rich and powerful can play that tune. He’s not an idealist, so his populist convictions are only as relevant as they serve his massive self-image, and that can be manipulated. His main flaw in the eyes of the harshest Right Wing is that he’s NOT a starry-eyed true believer. He’s a con-man who is only loyal to his own delusions. He’s not going to be anyone’s sacrifice and he’s happy to pretend to believe whatever is expedient at the time. While they’re not happy losing out on the loyalist elements that someone like Carson or Jeb or Rubio or Jindal would bring, they’ll adapt. Trump is easily led. Which is a bonus, and a liability (because popular opinion could lead him into doing something dumb).

Sanders IS an idealist, which is part of why the Establishment Left is deeply uncomfortable. They’re used to moral compromise for the sake of profit, and he makes them look bad. However, he is blazing new trails, and that brings with it the potential to control and shape this new world. If they can make themselves useful to him, it won’t matter if he overturns Citizens United or taxes stock trades or whatever (that’s not something he practically has much authority to do, after all) - they can all make bank by being the connection between his idealistic new world and the place where the cattle must get ground to make the beef. In the short term, at least, it’ll be easy to convince the rich and powerful that donating to a “moderate Democrat” who can tamp down the Socialism and neuter the new laws is a better option than donating to any sort of Republican nutjob.

Which is just really to say that Trump is a loose cannon that can be pointed by someone and that Sanders probably isn’t the second coming of Che.

But elections are about hopes and dreams, not about reasonable expectations. :slight_smile:

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The bit that does amuse me is that establishment Republicans are seemingly prepared to accept Trump as their candidate if the alternative is Cruz. He really seems to be the “anyone but…” candidate.

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The press may have it in for left wing politicians, but they don’t do themselves any favours.

Ken Livingston has been suggesting the Labour defence review may result in a policy to leave NATO.
Jeremy Corbin has been leaving hints that the UK will create a power sharing arrangement over the Falkland Islands (over the wishes of the islanders)
Momentum, and Ken Livingston again, have been mooting the deselection of Labour MPs who voted in favour of the Syrian bombings.

The British public has a tendency to dislike parties that feud internally, and I would suggest there is little support for the UK to leave NATO or give up sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.

Mark Steel once commented the more left wing the group, the less likely they were to organise anything, including to remember to book the hall for a meeting.


Heh, it wouldn’t be a Republican presidential campaign without some asshat from Texas. :slight_smile:


Chomsky said Sanders is “an honest and committed New Dealer” to HuffPost a few days ago. I think “New Dealer” is a way better definition for him than “democratic socialist”, even though Sanders is clearly influenced by scandinavian social-democrats.


The whole thing is staged propaganda, emanating from the old boys network. What what.

But, indeed. It’s quite possible to argue that - despite his calumnies - he was the last liberal prez of the US of A. And that includes Carter.