How this fine gentleman convinced me to donate $300 to Elizabeth Warren

Freedom of speech != freedom from consequences


Imagine what you like; I haven’t heard of it happening.


Unfortunately, nowadays it seems not so much a cryptid as a “can’t throw a fucking rock without hitting one” sort of thing.

(not that I’m suggesting throwing rocks at them… though that could help thin the herd of stupid a bit… hmm…)


@doctorow puts ghosts and tombstones in his yard - but it turns out the most scary decorations were his political signs.


I don’t think the problem was this guy having a contrary opinion, but his demeanor and threatening attitude.

Contrary to popular belief, the US DOES have SOME limits on speech. One of them is “fighting words” as well as “threats”. While Cory didn’t elaborate on the specifics said, it seems to be more than just a few gestures and cuss words.


Wait, it’s Halloween already?? (Checks calendar.) Whew, I can get back to decorating for National Grouch Day.


Your house is surprisingly modest for a master of the universe. I approve. :love_you_gesture::metal::raised_hands::clap::clap::clap:

Sadly, I think that species of Assholecus is purebred Americanus (though I gather Oz is fighting their own infestation, these days).

You are forgetting that, in Steinbeck’s immortal words, he’s a “temporarily embarrassed millionaire.”


I thought this might in the talk talk

I always vote for the candidate with the best font.


The opprobrium of assholes is a badge of honor. - Norman Spinrad


Exactly. A single payer system like the one used in European states, doesn’t stop private hospitals and service centres to exist. For instance, in Italy the GP are self-employed and aren’t state employees.
There are private hospitals in Italy that have deals with the national health service. For instance the Bambin Gesu` in Rome is juridically not in Italy and ins owned by the Vatican but is accessible exactly like a public hospital.


Hey, I’m sure that they’ve got accreditation from PragerU.


Ah, the old “both-sides” argument, how presidential of you. :roll_eyes:


Ever tried baiting a bear trap with a Bernie sticker?


Socialism is not necessarily nationalization. If we can accept that money gives power, and power gives money. If most things ‘naturally’ end up being owned by a tiny minority; then socialism should counter this trend. It can do this using tools such as social housing, state-supported medical care, state education, and things like that. The UK’s National Health does not own the pharmaceutical production processes. I wish it did a bit, It does not set the wages of other health providers either. You are free to user private medicine in the UK. I am having my cataracts done privately right now (and feeling guilty because I am jumping the queue just because I have a bit of money, but I need it for my work).

Socialism is not the enemy of entrepreneurship either. If you start up a company, it should not take it off you and send you to the gulag for re-education; though some regimes with ‘socialist’ in their title have indeed done that. But socialism may limit the number of generations of useless offspring that can sit on the company’s board after you.


keep wasting your money, Good. More of you should

I wasn’t sure what you were trying to express and on whose side you were on.
But then I looked at your orthography.

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Hillary’s coming watch out!