How to catch a subterranean catfish using mentos, eggs, and Coca-cola

Yeah, I thought so, but if you watch the video above, the women in it seem pretty unconcerned about barbs and spikes and such. :grimacing:

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I’ve seen too much noodling already in my life to watch a noodling video. :slight_smile:

Yeah, you see the Okies do it, and they pull those big cats out of the holes, and they hug them like they are their own children. That might be part of the strategy: all three spikes fold down from the front of the fish to the back. So as long as you hold them down, they can’t hurt you. As soon as you let go, though, they stick straight out and it’s trouble.


Yeah when I saw this, I thought it had to be a set up.

Noodling IS a real thing, but I’ve never seen it done like that.

They’re catfish. An egg, Coke, and Mentos are the least nasty things they swim through.

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