How to Draw a Black Lady

Love all this! Is this piece an homage on Betty Boop / Baby Esther Jones?


Thank you, so much.

Nailed it.

Pin up art inspired by her.


Wow! You’d posted that drawing of the Purple One before, which obviously I love. I mean, I’m not surprised you’re an amazing artist, but I’d be proud to show those off in any gallery, home or office. Thank you for sharing them.



You see, that’s the point: you want to classify yourself, fine. I will accept it. But I won’t force you into it. It’s not for me to decide. I there to be an “us”, as naive as it sounds. Race is a discredited relict of the 19th century that should be discredited, buried and belittled. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was an asshole who greeted the coming of Hitler.

I do not deny that there are minorities, that people are discriminated against simply because of their skin color. And it’s so pervasive, so ingrained I catch myself if only for a second. So I fight it. These people are better than I am, I hope. Smarter.

I know I am a fool, I know it. But I won’t spread the foolishness further. I would rather be a fool that was too tolerant than one who taught intolerance.

Sorry, that was more of a rant than I wanted. But I am leaving my foolish words as I wrote them in their raw form, to haunt me.

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Methinks you missed typing a word or two; there.

That said it, would be nice not to be quantified and qualified based upon appearance but the reality I live in doesn’t give me any choice; or even the option to have any illusions thereof.


That was a great read, thanks. Coincidentally I came across a copy of this book today, but I haven’t had a chance to look through it yet.

Interview with the author:

50-page preview:


Well, I’ve always relied on the Classic Sounds of Sexy Soul:


Wow a black K-Tel… TIL.




Uhm, is that a nipple? And is she talking about someone discussing the relative ‘levels’ of sexual behavior?

Maybe you have an alternate panel you can use to make your point?

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I’m not who you wanted to ask, but I wonder if Eduardo Risso (artist for 100 Bullets) growing up in Argentina and spending much of his working life outside the US makes changes the context of the question.

“So why aren’t there any women of color in your comics?”

“I was warned off. Luckily, there’s no Bechdel test for comics.”

How to draw a black guy was far more straightforward.

Love that comic; it’s hilarious and subversive, but a disclaimer is always handy for the uninitiated:


Didn’t notice it, her nipples tend to be more open to display. Oglaf is not a good fit for some readers.


Yeeeaaahhh - you really need to, like, read the comic before you can know WTF is going on. One panel out of context is going to give a lot of people a o_0 face.

Oglaf is a comedy set in a fantasy world with porn elements. And they really pull no punches nor have any sacred cows. There are all sorts of kinks, and straight, bi, and gay/lesbian sex - and probably some that would be filed under “other”.



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