holy shit, as a life-long fan, i can’t BELIEVE i forgot to include that. i’m SO ashamed. yes, definitely. and yes to Red Dawn, too, @jlw
Did you play the Atari 5200 version?
Boston was one of the test markets for OK, and I grabbed as much of it as I could back then. I thought it was quite tasty, and was sad when it was discontinued.
Heathers… the early films of Tim Burton? Beast Master which got played on local TV stations over and over… Same with lots of kung fu films… As @lastchance says Star Wars. ET. And how about all the classic low budget horror films that got played on Elvira’s show or on Jim Bob Brigg’s show… or what was the USA show? Up All Night? For me, nothing says my childhood like low budget, campy films… And any John Hughes film.
At the other end is The Breakfast Club
It is in effect a different medium. I mean a television series is a different term than a movie.
I don’t like that the term is “PODcast,” when the medium predated iPods and Apple certainly shape it nearly as much as many other people and companies. “Netcast” or netsound or soundcast or something else. Anything else.
It’s mainly notable for being one of the first movies to use actual CG, although with today’s CG, it looks astoundingly primitive. (IIRC, they were using Crays to do the rendering, because that was the only computer with enough horsepower to do it.) the movie’s kinda thin on character development and actual plot, but the actors did a good job with what they had.
The Atari 5200 version was never released, and the arcade cabinet version never made it outside the film studio.
There’s been talk and rumors of a fan-made version of the arcade game, complete with print-quality lineart for a cabinet.
Speaking as a Gen-X’er.
Fuck it.
Edit: They didn’t call us slackers for nothing.
Direct link here: RogueSynapse
Star Raiders II on the Atari XE/XL was based on the never-released version, and from what I understand, there were a number of changes made to it as well. I wouldn’t know, I never had that platform. (The closest I had was the 2600 port of the first Star Raiders game, which was… OK.)
absolutely yes for Heathers. that’s gen-X humor right there. and i mentioned PW’s Big Adventure. thought about Edward Scissorhands and of course Beetlejuice, but didn’t want to go on and on and list basically every movie that came out in the 80s, lol. (oh shit – Raiders of the Lost Ark, too)
At least Sony with the Playstation 5 didn’t fail at marketing to gen X. A friend of mine has al the playstations,a and a cupborard full of games. He has just bought a Playstation 5.
Me? I’m more a PC games guy…
Repo Man (1984) would be my choice. Everything else listed is too mainstream.
With brilliant insightes like this, they will be outta business as fast as they started
If they get enough funding, that’s the plan. Maybe it’ll be a cheesy thing like a 25 year old and a 52 year old, or a 17 year old and a 71 year old.
Then again, it’s more likely just meaningless ad speak
I may resemble that remark, except I let go of PS1 when I got the PS3 that was fully backward compatible. I don’t think I’ve seen any marketing for PS5, but holy cow was it hard to get my hands on one.
So… basically, Winona Ryder.
Checks out I guess.
Don’t forget Reality Bites.
Red Sonia! Conan the Barbarian! Krull!!! So much sword and sorcery!
OH! Willow!
Decline of Western Civilization!
What about something like Jubliee, since @FSogol mentioned Repo Man… a bit earlier and probably bigger in the UK, but what an amazing film. Jordan was so brilliant in it. Was it Samzidated about?