How to make a simple pipe mousetrap

jaw drops

That’s amazing.

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Not that I think I’d ever get arrested for it, but it’s actually illegal in my county to catch and release mice. There was a big stink about it awhile ago, because DC supposedly had a statute that didn’t allow exterminators to kill rats or other vermin, and the rightwing crazies accused them of bringing them over the Potomac and releasing them here. It was eventually proven false but we still can’t catch and release them.


I vividly remember having to have to get rid of a mouse in a snap trap when I was 14 or so. I wasn’t all that thrilled with the job. Mom and sis wouldn’t go near would NOT go near it and getting semi-hysterical. The mouse, you see,was far from dead, even tho the trap caught it right in its middle. So I wouldn’t call this method exactly ‘quick-n-painless’.


The one time i needed to trap a mouse, this is what I used:

Of course, it helped that my cats were harrying it.


The one time I needed to trap a mouse, I could never find someone to dive into the tub of water after the bowling ball hit the seesaw they were supposed to stand on. :crying_cat_face:


Queue adding sensor and on-board Pi to text your phone when you’ve bagged a vermin.

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